Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

73 matches for Fairies.

What is there stopping one of the former fairies from simply adopting an insult they like as their name?

Because they don't get to choose for themselves

Which characters, if any, would you like to incorporate in a future comic?

A bunch, namely ones like Paz, Zimmy/Gamma, some of the fairies/ex-animals, the parents when they were younger, Jones, Jan and Cookie Monster, and any others that I feel would make interesting stories.

So far we know the forest is populated by Elves, Fairies, and Dryads. What other magical creatures inhabit the forest?

There are a fair few others.

None of the boys in Foley have pointed ears, so were none of them elves like the ones Annie stayed with over the summer? Can elves switch sides, like fairies and animals?

None have ever wanted to, and probably wouldn't be allowed anyway.

How do kids find out about and get accepted into school at the court? Seems like most of them are either transformed fairies and animals or the children of teachers and former students.

The Court usually finds them first.

Do any fairies get named with last names? Or are they just with a first name, like Red?

Some can have last names, yeah

Tom, when fairies become human, do they still have dots on their arms?


Do Gillitie animals that wish to be human also have to die? Or do their transformations resemble Aly's more?

Nah it's just some of the fairies that die like that. Most of the other animals and such change as Aly did.

Why aren't the Foley kids named immediately as they come from the forest? Do they stop attending the school as soon as they are named no matter when that happens and can just anyone name them? What are the rules basically?

original fairies go through a naming and job-getting ritual that was partly carried over to their next life. They see the earning of their names as a goal to work towards, which is now partly an incentive to complete their education.

Are Red's eyes gray because she's still dividing her attention with her etheric self? And is that a trick Annie (or other etherically-talented humans) could learn to do with training? Sorry if I'm askin' for spoilers!

No, all the ex-fairies have grey eyes like that

Are Red and Blue fairies "of" anything? Is there any significance to their specialized abilities?

Nah, they weren't that kind of fairy.

Why is it that the fairies only learn mathsy stuff?

They are currently in a maths class, but they have other classes also.

If the clothes are gray because they're uniforms, how come Parley and Annie's clothes were gray that one time?

Because, while the Court has provided their clothes, they don't "own" them, in the same way the ex-fairies might

Is it only former fairies that get given a name as soon as someone calls them it, or is it the same with former animals?

It's for the animal dudes too

as mythical creatures go Faeries are one of those with the most variation of description and social attributes that I can think of. Out of the more famous depictions of faeries from literature and screen, which would you say most resembles your fairies?

I do not know! I've not seen or read about very many. I prefered to make my own stuff up.

Hi, Tom. Are the words aether and ether used interchangably? I think you said something similar about fairies/faeries/etc

Yeah, pretty much

Do Red and the other fairies really like sweets, like Robot?

I bet they do, yeah. Though Robot does't like sweets, as he has no mouth or means of digesting food.

So, if former fairies keep their pointy ears when they go out into the world, and if, I assume, this trait is carried to some degree or other onto their children, are pointy ears a not-unheard-of trait of Gunnerkrigg-Universe Earth?

You'd see as many pointy ears out on the street in the comic's universe as you would in your actual real life.

The Wood fairies seem to have a distinctive accent. What human accent would you say it sounds most like?

A pretty crummy one

What do the Anwyn count as, fairies or animals? If they count as neither, if an Anwyn were to become human, would he or she be male, female, or something else?

It is handled on a case by case basis, for creatures who are not becoming students in the Court. not everything that changes has to go to the forest or the school.

Do all the fairies have grey eyes?

When they become human, yes.

Say, do all the forest-beings-turned-human have blank grey eyes?

Only the fairies.

Who controls the test that lets animals and fairies become human? Is it something that the Court or Gillitie designed, or is it something else? How much does each side know about it, exactly?

It is usually something Coyote oversees, but he also has others to assist the process.

When you say fairies, do you mean all supernatural beings (e.g. elementals), rather than just regional fairies? Well, assuming there are any in the woods, of course.

Regarding what?

I swear some of these questions seems like info for someone writing fanfiction. Tho the whole fairies reminds me of a manga where everyone was born girls and had to take a test to become men to keep the population going. Is that the same sort of idea?

I think I know the comic you are talking about, but no, this isn't that.

Are there boy fairies in the forest?


So does the Court get to choose what gender the forest folk become when they pass the test?

Nope. The equation is simple anyway; fairies = girls, animals = boys

If all the Foley girls were fairies, does that mean that Brinnie was a guy?

Nope, she was in Chester.

Wait, so if there was a female forest animal who passed the test, they'd be a male human? ....Why?

Because they have enough fairies to take up all the available girl spaces each year.

Do the female animals become male humans too? Also does that mean there are no male fairies?

That is correct on both accounts, yes.

Do fairies have a universal dialect or do the other fairies sound like Red because they're from her region?

Nah, the ones that go to the Court just learn to speak in the same place

I know all former fairies in Foley are girls, but are all girls in Foley former fairies, or are some of the girls former animals as well?

No, all the girls used to be fairies.

Are all the girls in Foley former fairies? I am confused if so because surely there must be some female animals that have taken the test and become human, not just males?

All the girls are former fairies, yes. Also yes, there were some female animals that want to be human. However, all the ex-animals are now male humans.

Sorry to keep pestering you about the fairies; just one more thing. How much control did these guys have over their appearance after the change? Mostly wondering about rounded vs. pointed ears, and more human things like skin/hair/eye color.

They don't have any control over what they will look like, aside from looking similar to before. The girls keep slightly pointed ears and sometimes their markings (or similar ones) and a wider range of hair colours. The boys have round ears and a more natural range of hair colours.

Are all these fairies from region 4 (that was Red and Blue's, right?)? And, while on that subject, are all the students, sans Annie, on the current page only former fairies?

Yeah, they are all from the same region. Only the girls were fairies.

I would probably pay for pictures of some of those fairies doing fairy things if I had money and a way to get to them.

If you had money and I had time I would like that also

Do the markings on the ex-fairies' faces seen while in the ether (Blue and the student with purple hair) have special significance? An elemental connection, perhaps? Grand comic BTW.

Sometimes fairies keep their markings, or similar ones when they pass over. It's an easy way to spot one.

Could the Folley girls become fairies again if they wanted to?

I guess technically they could take the test again and go back.

Does iron affect the fairies in your comic?


Did Ysengrin kill the suicide fairies because they saw what he did with the Tic Toc?


Do you follow a origin theory with your fairies? Such a one theory I read that fairies are creatures that weren't to nice so they couldn't live in Heaven and they weren't too evil so they couldn't live in Hell so they live in the Human World. Or somethi

Or something

Was Jeanne not concerned with the Suicide fairies seeing that she was on the Woods side of the river?

no, she wasnt

Do wings manufactured by the regional fairies differ across regions, or do they all learn how to make the same kind of wings?

Every fairy makes their own kind of wings and they are all different.

Are the whitelegs intelligent and actively malevolent? Or are they just like animals doing what comes naturally to them? Or are they like the regional fairies, with a culture that's morals and values are confusing to humans?

They are intelligent

I, too, have deemed random pigeons "City Face," especially on my trip to Chicago. (x Didn't see any city fairies though.

Cools, I love em.

Are there fairies for mold?


Are there fairies for sleep?


How does Ysengrin feel about fairies?


Do Regional Fairies fall in love with eachother the same way humans do, or are their conception of love different to humans? (Don't just say "yes", please be kind enough to tell me which question you answer)

They fall in love all the time. For example Blue fell in love with Red again when she finally fixed her hair.

Since the fairies are all the same sex and reproduce in mysterious ways, are they able to acclimate to the horrors of human style relationships once they transfer?

It depends on if they want to try or not.

Will you explain how Regional Fairies reproduce later in the comic?

Probably not in this comic

How do Regional Fairies reproduce without males?

Not sexually

All of the Regional Fairies we've seen thus far are female. Are there any male Regional Fairies? Or, do all Regional Fairies just look like human females?

There are no male Regional Fairies

Is there a lot of Gunnerkrigg universe "mythology" ( stuff likepsychopomps, city fairies etc) that you have in your head but haven't been able to include in the comic?

Yes, a vast amount

Seeing that question about the fairies reminded me of how much I also like them. What are the chances that after GC, you'll do a comic/story about them?

I would love to. It would be even better if I didn't have to wait til GC is finished to do it

I love the image of the region 6 fairies that you have in your deviantart gallery. What was your inspiration for their names (besides Mustard Seed; she's obvious)? I think Paper Moo, Guttang Gottong, and Southwest are very good, original fairy names.

Getting names is part of their coming of age ritual, and those are the ones they ended up with.

Are there more powerful fairies like Aos Si or (Un)Seelie?


Do other forest-to-human transfers retain some visual characteristics of their old lives like the fairies appear to?

It would appear so yes

Are ordinary people aware of the existence of city fairies?

Not really.

It was mentioned regional fairies "come of age" when they are able to make their own clothes. Had Red & Blue reached that point, or were they still considered children according to regional-fairies custom?

They reached that age, but they didn't go through the proper ritual. That's why their clothes are so boring.

Could you please tell us a bit about the shadow men? The fairies were able to understand Shadow 2 in the ravine, was he speaking a shadow man language or just baby speak? Do shadow men usually learn to speak English like Shadow 2 has?

He was speaking shadow man language, but not very well (not that we, as the reader, can tell). they don't normally learn to speak english.

We know some of the students used to be fairies or animals in the forest. Is the same true for some of the staff? If not, does that mean adult creatures can't become human?

Yeah some of the staff used to be forest cretures that have grown up as humans. Adult creatures could apply for the change if they wanted.

Why did the Suicide Fairies have to die to be reincarnated into new bodies, but Aly and his family (or at least Aly) simply had their current bodies transformed into new ones?

Double standards.

Are there fairy folk other than regional fairies in Gillitie Wood?

There are all kinds, yeah.

Are Zimmy and Gamma capable of loving people except each other? Does Gamma know about city fairies?

Gamma is fairly normal. As normal as a girl in her situation could be. She could love and have friends if she wanted. Zimmy though, would never consider anyone else. <br /> Gamma has met the city fairies too.

Does Zimmy like pigeons? Has she ever met a city fairy?

She thinks pigeons are okay. They don't bother her too much. She has met city fairies before, yes.

In the City Face story, one of the fairies asks "where" the other will be back rather than "when" (as one might expect). Does that mean anything for the way fairies think in general?

The fairies don't follow a linear timeline. They tend to use location as a constant.

Will we see more of the suicide fairies? Is the blue one dutifully doing Red's homework for her? (Or did the hairspray fail?)

I'm sure they'll pop up sometime.

Do the forest transfers have much career/living potential outside in the real world? I heard fairies are the best quantity surveyors.

That remains to be seen.

If Gunnerkrigg Court supposedly takes place in our world, how do you explain the unnatural hair colors for those who hadn't previously been fairies or animals, like Annie?

I explain it by it's a comic.

Given the choice (a la suicide fairies/ Aly and his parents) would you spend your life in the Court or the Forest?

The Court.

Do you have any figurines?

Yes, a few. Most of them are fairies from Spain though.

Did those two fairies ever get a chance to wang tomatoes?

They threw many tomatoes.