Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

10 matches for Rogat.

When asked whether Jones is a creature from another mythology you said you invented her. Is she a variation of an existing mythological creature not seen before (much like Rogat Orjak is a rare Dragon) or is she a whole new creature from your mind-space?


Has Anthony ever seen a Rogat Orjak?


Has Eglamore actually ever slayed a dragon, and are actual dragons, besides the Rogat Orjak, still around and about?


Could Jones be a Rogat Orjak in human form?


Did Sir Young have doubts regarding the divide between the Court and the Woods? He did have a Rogat Orjak, did he not?

he did

how strong is the bond between a Rogat Orjak and the protector of the Court?

Very strong? They are friends.

I really really enjoy the educational pages in between chapters, like the one about the dorm setup, the Rogat Orjak and the swords. Will there be more like these?

I hope so

Even if Annie's doll hadn't been there, couldn't Reynardine have just gone back into Sivo's body? He can possess anything with eyes, so a dead rogat orjak should still fit the bill...

He can't really go back to a body he left.

Sivo doesn't seem to have wings, while Mr. Thorn's Rogat Orjak comes flying high... Sivo hadn't developed wings yet, or maybe they were cut of when Reynardine took his body, to avoid him from escaping? (that would be cruel, but i would understand it)

His wings were destroyed.

When the forest, where the "fantastic beings" are, got separated from the Court... how come the Rogat Orjaks are befriends with many of the court's "game teachers"?

There are plenty of creatures that live out in the world, away from the forest.