Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

613 matches for Zimmy.

What does Boxbot look like to Zimmy?

Like a pretty terrible robot.

In case you don't mind us knowing: Are Zimmy's eyeballs black, or is there some kind of perpetual shadow covering them? Or something else?

It's a visual metaphore

You said Zimmy's parents don't remember her anymore. Did their memories also "fade like a dream might"?

Maybe not

Did Zimmy take away Kat's memories of Zimmy helping Annie?

Nah, they faded like a dream might

id Gamma realise Zimmy's is lying to her about other students saying mean things?

Gamma knows Zimmy does that sometimes, yeah.

Besides Gamma, is Annie Zimmy's closest friend?

Zimmy would hesitate to admit that.

Does Zimmy see other 'inner thought' kind of things on other people? Or was it just some sort of special situation? I feel kind of dense for not realizing that it wasn't a 'real' talking pigeon on Kat's head until I reread the chapter.

She sees different things for different people

I'm curious about what Zimmy's answer was when Kat asked how she looked to her. Did she describe it, or not respond, or what?

She didn't respond.

is Zimmy freaked out by fireworks?

Nah, not really.

Does Zimmy always see Kat the way she did in the latest chapter, or does Zimmy only sometimes see Kat like that? If Kat's always looked that that to her, why hasn't Zimmy shown fear before now?

Zimmy has always been standoffish with her, but this was the first time she was essentially alone with Kat without Gamma nearby

Does Zimmy see more than one version of the same thing all at once sometimes?


Is Kat's head pigeon a defense mechanism by Zimmy to make the robot angel aspect of Kat less terrifying? Mocking that which terrifies you is one coping mechanism. And when Zimmy is tired from mucking about in Annie's brain, perhaps that dense slips?

No, Zimmy doesn't get to choose, and she has never seen the pigeon that Kat and Paz looked after.

Will Zimmy breaking Annie's mask in Zimmy-o-vision have future consequences for Annie?

We shall see.

Has Annie ever sat with Zimmy and helped Gamma sleep again since Dobranoc, Gamma?

Yes, a few times.

That thing...the way Zimmy sees Kat, it doesn't seem to have a nose. How come Zimmy called Kat "nose" in chapter 11? Did something affect the way she saw her then?

No, Zimmy can see Kat's nose, which is a little large

Are there (many) more people than just Kat that look very weird to Zimmy?

None look like Kat, but plenty of people look weird to Zimmy

If that spash page is how Zimmy sees Kat, then why wasn't there a pigeon on her head? Zimmy could clearly see the pigeon on Kat's head.

That is correct

So does zimmy see Annie as some variant of a fire elemental then?

We shall see

Does Gamma ever get tired of having to be around Zimmy all the time?


Does Kat look like that to Zimmy all the time? Or does she just look like Kat sometimes?

She looks like Kat, and Kat looks like that to Zimmy

How long have Gamma and Zimmy been together?

A few years now

Is the way Kat looks to Zimmy significantly worse than the way other people look? When the Zimmy and Gamma first met her, Zimmy didn't seem particularly surprised.

Yeah, Kat looks different to most of the other people Zimmy sees

When Zimmy sees City Face siting on Kat's head, does she see it sitting on the head of that insect robot thing?

No, she sees it sitting on Kat's head.

If that's what Zimmy sees Kat as, what was the deal with the head-pidgeon? Was it just a visual representation of the head-bird we can sort of see in the second-to-latest page for those of us without Zimmy-vision?

Yes. Also, Zimmy sees the pigeon. She also sees Kat is a normal looking girl, but she also sees that thing on the page where I drew what Kat looks like to Zimmy.

Also, what exactly was Zimmy seeing when she looked at Kat during the times she was portrayed to us as having a pigeon on her head?

She saw what she saw on that page where I drew what Kat looks like to Zimmy

When you say that Zimmy always saw Kat like that, do you mean off-and-on over the years, or every single time they crossed paths? If the latter, how come Kat was more annoyed at Kat than anything else in the early chapters?

Because Zimmy is sort of used to seeing things like that

I wonder if Zimmy would feel better if she knew there was someone out there (us) who sees what she sees

She already thinks too many things are watching her

When we were seeing just plain old Kat+HeadPigeon earlier on, that was from Zimmy's point of view and she wasn't seeing Kat as a crazy Mechanoid thing at that point, right?

Yes and no

Is the way that Zimmy sees Kat (and some others, presumably) at all related to which psychopomp will eventually take her to the afterlife?

We shall see

When Gamma gets close to Zimmy, can she see things as Zimmy sees them? Like, can she see what Kat looks like right now?

Sometimes, but Kat just looks normal to her. This is all Zimmy.

Does Annie see Kat the same way in the ether or in the new page specific to Zimmy-vision?

No, Kat just looks like Kat to Annie.

Does the presence of Gamma help Zimmy see people in a more "normal" way or are the images always there to some extent?

Sometimes, yeah.

Did Zimmy always see Kat like this, for example in the earlier chapters, or is it a more resent thing?

Yup, she's always had a problem with Kat.

so would that be ketrak then? looks rather insect-like

No, that is what Kat looks like to Zimmy

How come you deleted that picture of Zimmy and Gamma from your deviantArt page?

It was old and dumb.

If Zimmy sees Kat as a Giger-esque menacing insectoid robot, what do the Court robots look like to her? What do Robot and Shadow look like to Zimmy?

Depends on what robot she's looking at.

Will we ever truly find out what Zimmy is? Or what her condition is?

She is Zimmy. Jones talked about her condition in Chapter 28

Does the name of this chapter stem from the verb "to divine"? What Zimmy is performing to Annie seems to be essentially a divination...


Does the name "Divine" come from the fact that what Zimmy has been performing in this chapter is essentially a divination to Annie's mind?


Does Zimmy see this stuff in Annie's head the same way as the readers do?

Yeah, the reader sees what Zimmy sees

So are you not getting as many questions as you used to on this thing, or are you answering fewer of the ones you receive? Unrelatedly, I love the current chapter to bits. Zimmy's faces are the just the best thing.

I've been having computer troubles for the past couple of weeks, so I've been kind of disconnected from the Internet. Literally and figuratively.

Do bugs fall off of Zimmy whenever she scratches her head?


What causes Zimmy's eyes to get covered (or turn into) that black ..stuff?

Her condition

Is the pigeon on Kat's head something... infective, like the spider on Jack, or is it something different?

It's just a visual representation of Kat's thoughts that Zimmy can use to read her mind.

The current chapter (which is incredible, by the way) is titled "Divine". Does that refer to Zimmy?

There are various definitions for the word "divine"

Is Zimmy's hair turning pink because she's absorbing little bits of Annie's fire?

something is certainly going on

Is it physically hurting Zimmy to use her powers like this?

No, not exactly

HOLY SHIT page 1046 is AMAZING! Wh...Zimmy...Badass...WHA?!


Can Kat see the warpy aura around Zimmy's hand in the most recent page or does it look like she's just stickin' her hand out?

Nope, she can't see anything out of the ordinary

Is the red in Zimmy's eyes in the second-to-last panel of today's page (1043) because Zimmy is using up tons of energy to check up on Annie?


In panel 6 of today's comic (1043), is the red in Zimmy's eyes visible there because she's opened them wider in surprise so we can see some of the pupil, or is it instead her emotions/temper flaring up?

It's just to show that she might be looking deeper than she was up to this point.

So why does Zimmy have red highlights all of a sudden? Is it something that only shows up in the ether? Cuz I notice Bud had loads of it as well...

Seems strange!

But regarding the pigeon, you said earlier it's the same pigeon Kat found (which she named City Face, right?). So is the thing Zimmy is seeing Kat's own mental image of the pigeon as her inner voice, or a different pigeon entirely?

Zimmy is seeing an image of the pigeon Kat found.

Are Annie and Zimmy relatives?


Is the red in Zimmy's hair the same as the red on Annie's cheek?


Wait, so can City Face read Kat's mind? Or has he died and become a spirit pigeon?

That's just a thing Zimmy is seeing. It's not a real pigeon.

Do you enjoy the reactions to the crazy Zimmy chapters more?

I hope people enjoy her being in the comic

Does forgetting who she is bring Zimmy relief in any way?

Not really, because she is not herself ot realise she should be relieved in any way

Does snow also help Zimmy? If so, could she "cool off" by just rolling in snow piles in wintertime?

It helps a little, but not much, compared to rain

Have Zimmy's powers ever gotten a person killed?


It occured to me that, despite sounding delusional concerning Zimmy, Jack actually has a very good understand of her personality AND of the nature of her relationship with Gamma. With that in mind, I'm very curious to see how he plans to make his move!

Me too

Also, would Zimmy be frightened or intimidated by Coyote were she to meet him?

She has not met him

Would Coyote fear Zimmy if he met her?

He has not met her

Is pure luck or something more that Zimmy happened to meet a person with abilities apparently tailor-made to help her? I asked this before but I forgot your answer ;(

We shall see

What would York from Deadly Premonition think of Zimmy?

She looks like the ones we saw in Greenvale, Zach, do you remember?

Will we ever get to the bottom of Zimmy or will it be a mystery even when the story is wrapped up?

We shall see

I'd like to know if Zimmy has to translate for Gamma when Zimmy speaks English out loud, or if Gamma just understands that from her thoughts. Could Zimmy lie to Gamma about what she was saying?

That is exactly the case. Zimmy will usually let Gamma know what she is saying out loud, but does not always translate correctly. This was shown in the Power Station chapter.

Had Gamma only been in England for a little while before she met Zimmy? Is that why she's never learned English?


Which characters, if any, would you like to take with you to a new comic?

Jones, Zimmy and Gamma seem most likely, since they all came from other comic ideas.

Which characters, if any, would you like to incorporate in a future comic?

A bunch, namely ones like Paz, Zimmy/Gamma, some of the fairies/ex-animals, the parents when they were younger, Jones, Jan and Cookie Monster, and any others that I feel would make interesting stories.

Does snow have the same effect on Zimmy as rain does?

Not really, but it does have a similar effect.

If the spiders in Zimmy's head love her so much, why do they want to escape?

So they can do stuff in the real world.

So that favorite panel with Zimmy you mentioned... will that be showing up in the main comic?


How did Zimmy and Gamma eat when they were on their own? Did one of them hold a job, did they steal food, did they go to a soup kitchen, did they scavenge it out of the garbage?

they did whatever they could

When are Zimmy and Gamma's birthdays? Do they know them? If so, do they celebrate them?

They know when they are, but they don't know the dates.

In Chapter 28 when Zimmy thought herself to be Annie, did Annie think that she was Zimmy?


Would Gamma ever be interested in learning how to use a blinker stone? Would Zimmy let her?

No and no

Was it difficult for Zimmy to be vulnerable around Gamma when they first met?

It was pretty strange at first, yeah.

Does Zimmy have beings in her head other than Nobodies and Whitelegs?


Would Coyote find Zimmy amusing at all?

We'd have to see!

What would you say is the main reason the Court would accept Zimmy but the forest would not? One of the two under/overestimating the threat she represents? The forest existing more in the ether in general?

Renard's reaction to Zimmy is pretty typical of the forest dwellers

If Zimmy and Gamma took the test and became forest animals, would that solve Zimmy's mental/etheric problem?

Oh man, no way. I doubt the forest would even let her try it.

Why doesn't Zimmy hang around with Annie more? Surely having two people with Gamma's ability would help Zimmy's condition, and let Gamma get some sleep....

Yes but zimmy would always prefer to be with Gamma

Have Zimmy and Gamma come to Annie for help at all after the events of "Goodnight Gamma?"


Will Zimmy and Gamma appear in the next couple of chapters?


Going to Momo Con in best friend and I really want to cosplay as Zimmy and Gamma. What clothes do they more commonly wear-their school clothes or casual?

The clothes on this page are pretty standard for them before coming to the Court: Otherwise, they are usualy in their school uniform

Why did NotKat in Zimmy's world have a face when all the other "nobodies" did not?

Becuase it's random who has a face or not. Gotta keep Zimmy guessing

Very cool Zimmy pic! What was she smiling at, a fairy?

It's a little, plastic army man

That's a mighty disturbing picture of Zimmy. Good job.


Is it luck or something else that Zimmy just happened upon the one person who could make her life somewhat tolerable? On that note, would Gamma's ability have other applications other than soothing Zimmy?

We shall have to see

Reread Spring Heeled, and finally realized what Gamma was saying to Zimmy. :') Very sweet. Does she talk nonstop to Zimmy through telepathy all the time? Does it help Zimmy's condition somehow?

It helps drown out some of the natural noise in Zimmy's head

Does Zimmy know her own birthday? What about Gamma?

They might do

Does Gamma's ability to help ease the stress off of Zimmy's psyche get affected when she gets sick?

It does, yes.

What makes Zimmy happy?


Do Zimmy and Gamma ever socialize with other Chester students?

They try not to

Would Gamma have been in Chester were it not for Zimmy?

If not for Zimmy, Gamma may never have come to Gunnerkrigg Court.

Do Zimmy's everyday hallucinations (seeing real people with no faces, etc) affect Gamma as well?

Sometimes, but not as much.

Does snow help Zimmy in the same way rain does?

A little bit, yes, but differently

What would Gamma and Zimmy think about Mount Waialeale, where the geography causes it to rain every single day? Would they like to move there?

They've never heard of it

Will we ever have a Zimmy and Gamma centric chapter?

I hope to do another one soon, yes.

Does Zimmy ever go to the dentist? If so, how do they treat her very sharp, fine fangs?

No, she has never been to one

Does Zimmy eat?


What would Gamma do if something truly awful happened to Zimmy? Does she have a family to go back to?

Her family is something she does not talk or think about.

What is it about Zimmy that would keep her from growing up? Does she suspect that her manifestations will kill her, or is there something else about her physical condition?

She is fully expecting to be dead before leaving her teens

Has Gamma or Zimmy thought about moving to one of the rainiest places in the world when they grow up?

They've talked about stuff like that before, but Zimmy would be amazed if she ever got old enough to be considered grown up

What does Zimmy want to be when she grows up?

She'd just be happy if she makes it that far.

You said Gamma's powers were stronger than Annie's, but what are Gamma's powers, other than calming Zimmy? Can she see see psychopomps and ghosts as well, or what?

We shall have to see

So I've heard before that water is connected to paranormal/spiritual activity (I doubt you want the specifics). Had you heard of this kind of thing before you thought out Zimmy and her power and rain, or are you just super clever?

Water has always been said to have magical properties, or be associated with the paranormal, as you said. It's just something I went with, regarding Zimmy and the Court's experiements into extracting ether from water

Hi Tom! This is a random question that I was pondering - why is it that a majority of your characters are drawn with simple black irises, but Annie and Janet (and Zimmy sometimes) have colored eyes?

It just depends on their character design.

Have Zimmy and Gamma ever had a really big fight?

Of course

In their relationship, who's likely to give in and let the other person have their way more? Zimmy, or Gamma?

Gamma, of course

So why doesn't Zimmy ever just go swimming in a lake or something? Do most bodies of water not contain enough etheric energy to help?

She can't swim and doesn't like large bodies of water. Aside from that, the etheric energy from water only seems to be generated during or after evaporation

What's the longest rain storm Zimmy's been through? Does the intensity of the rain make any difference as to how she feels?

Heavy rainstorms don't typically last to long in the UK, but they feel a lot better to Zimmy than a light drizzle that lasts a whole day.

Does Gamma usually sleep when it rains, or is she willing to stay awake if it means she can see Zimmy enjoying herself and being happy?

When it's raining is a good time for Gamma to get some rest. She does like to watch Zimmy relax a little though.

If Annie were to spend time with Zimmy and Gamma every once in a while, allowing Gamma to sleep, would it have a negative effect on any of them? Assuming they managed to come to such an agreement, of course.

Things would basically go as they did when Annie last spent time with Zimmy while Gamma slept.

Is there ever a time when Gamma can safely go to sleep without Zimmy's powers going out of control? If not, how does she not die from sleep deprivation?

Gamma takes little naps now and then. It's not very comfortable for either of them though

Does Gamma's ability to help Zimmy become hampered when she gets sick?


We know Zimmy and Gamma don't usually go to class like the other students, but do they have dormitories, or do they just spend most of the time wandering around the Court?

They have assigned rooms, like everyone else, but they have not gone to them very often. They probably don't even know where their current ones are.

Sorry it's not a question, but, for what little it's worth (not much), I find Zimmy and Gamma's relationship to be very well-written, sweet, and loving, and that most of the people making snarky or mean comments appear to be missing the point.

Missing the point is part of the internet.

Zimmy once said that Ann has the same calming effect as Gamma, if a little weaker. Is this due to her being part elemental or having ethereal abilities? Could Jack have a similar effect?

It s a little of both. Right now, being near Jack hasn't seemed to have heped Zimmy in any way.

If Zimmy could be "normal," that is, have no etheric/magical properties whatsoever and be like an average girl her age, but it also meant losing her mental link to Gamma, do you think she would do it?

If Gama was still there I'm sure Zimmy would be fine ditching everything else.

Does Jack understand Zimmy better since his spider-episode? I'm asking because I thought of how little chance he would have with her if he tries to hit on her normally. It'd be cool of the same thing which attracted him to her would aid him curry favor

He thinks he knows her situation a little better, but we'll have to see.

It occured to me that if your characters would ever cross over to the real world, then Zimmy would probably be pretty pissed off at you.

She totally would. I'm not very nice to her.

Zimmy and Gamma seem to be the only romantic couple among the main cast that hasn't been fully confirmed and is hanging out in subtext limbo. How did that happen?

I think what happened is that you're looking for things to get upset about.

Did Gamma figure out by now that Zimmy is mistranslating stuff to keep her to herself?

She kinda figured out it happens. She's known about it for a while, but can't really talk to anyone about it

Does Gamma drink coffee to help her stay awake? And does Zimmy regularly give Gamma 'false translations' so that her friend will not socialize as much with other people?

Gamma doesn't really like coffee. Depending on what's being said, Zimmy will often mistranslate things for Gamma in order to make her think people don't like her.

If Zimmy's theme is Stress, is Gamma's theme Valentine? (from the same album)

Gamma is the part at the end of Stress.

I like the way you involved Jack with Zimmy ! Lot of potential comic in there ! So, will we see his attempts to conquer her heart ??

There will be chapters with those guys in it later, yeah.

Zimmy's eye-gunk is suggestive rather than actual: is the same true for her sharp teeth?

Nah, she's got actual little pointy teeth.

Is Zimmy actually something else instead of human? PS I LOVE TO READ YOUR COMIC. :)

For all intents and purposes

Do Gamma and Zimmy just happen to both have Greek letters as their given names, or did they start using them after finding each other?

It's how I named them

After all the hoohah in chapter 34, is Annie at least a bit actually interested in Jack now despite his stated interest in Zimmy?

The chapter is not finished.

Does any particular song come into mind when you think of Zimmy?

Yup, Stress by Justice

are we ever going to see Zimmy and Gamma's relationship confirmed in-comic, just like the straight ones?

Explain what sort of confirmation would make you happy.

RE: Knowing how characters would act in a given situation, what would Red's insult name for Zimmy be?

We'd have to see when they meet.

When you say Zimmy's black eye-gunk is a visual metaphor, do you mean that other characters see her eyes as red at all times? If so, then what change, if any, do characters notice in Zimmy after it's rained?

Visual metaphor

As a follow-up to a question I just read, does Zimmy read the books or is it just their proximity that helps her?

Zimmy can't read.

Why does Zimmy like libraries?

The books help calm her down.

I've always been very curious about the project Zimmy and Gamma are from. Would you mind sharing a little bit about that with us?

What do you mean by project?

I liked the maybe/maybe-not a velociraptor. I was aware that it was a visual gag, and I thought it was a very funny one. Please don't think it was a bad joke just because some people were annoying about the feathers.

I should have gone to greater lengths to explain that, instead of a pretty girl next to some flowers, we have a Zimmy next to a dinosaur. It is meant to show that maybe Zimmy isn't so cute and/or maybe putting her in a nice dress is a little silly.

I had a dream about Zimmy today. Do you often dream about your characters?

No, I don't, really.

will we ever know why we saw Zimmy arguing with a thing that may or may not be a featherless Velociraptor?

It was a visual gag. Not a very good one, clearly, as it has made a few people upset.

Is Zimmy totally human ? If so, how does she manage to not sleep at all ?

She is human, yes. She manages to not sleep by being in a comic where strange things can happen.

If there was a Gunnerkrigg movie, would you like a gorgeous actress to play Zimmy so when they grunge her up , there would be a larger effect after the rain comes?

Nah, I'd prefer her to just be a plain/unremarkable girl.

It was an awesome gag and a great character note, but was Zimmy's terrifying science project also meant to show that she's incredibly smart? That's probably a dumb question, sorry.

She is smart, yes

In, why is Zimmy standing next to a dinosaur? Comparison? (Not that I'm complaining, mind you!)

It's just something I thought would be funny in the comic.

why is zimmy fighting a Velociraptor? and why doesn't it have feathers? Velociraptors have feathers, Tom. just so you know.

Velociraptors may have had feathers, but the creature in that picture does not. Just so you know.

If Zimmy died, would bad things happen to the rest of the world?

She is currently not dead.

Did you mean that Zimmy's eye-gunk is a visual metaphor in that it's only there for the reader's benefit, not in the world of the story itself? If so, does that mean that Annie and the rest don't see the difference the rain makes?

They notice a difference in her, but if you were to ask them they wouldn't say "the gunk washed out of her eyes".

Was Jack ever truly interested in Annie romantically and conflicted about whether he liked her or Zimmy more, or was he always primarily interested in Zimmy and just going through the motions with Annie?

Well, not to put too fine a point on it, he thought he could be interested in Annie, but he just couldn't get Zimmy off his mind.

Is the gunk that builds up in Zimmy's eyes a bi-product of her being a human ether-magnet, or does it have another function? What was your inspiration for that part of her design?'

It is a visual metaphor, like Anja's eyes.

Did the spiders tell Jack about Zimmy and Gamma's relationship?

Amongst other things.

Annie's caricature of Zimmy was screamingly funny, I thought (t-shirt material in your copious spare time, maybe), but Zimmy-with-eyes is actually a pretty attractive girl, if a little scary. Are we going to get to see more of her that way?

She'll be in the comic more, sure.

If Zimmy were to be cleared of spiders, would her condition be improved or less stressful?

Not in the slightest.

When Zimmy thought she was Antimony in her illusion at the end of Spring Heeled, was that sort of because she wishes she was Antimony instead of the, err, problematic person she is?

There are no hard and fast rules for what goes on in Zimmy's head. That's not to say she doesn't wish she was more normal, however.

If the spiders love Zimmy so much, why do they want to escape from her?

They wanted to be a real boy.

You've said that Zimmy and Gamma are together romantically. On Zimmy's part, is it just Gamma or does she like girls in general? If so, only girls? If Jack's not just messing with Annie, is he totally out of luck?

I'll be getting to that in the comic.

Does Zimmy never sleep because she can't, or because she's afraid to?


How would Smitt and Zimmy's powers interact? Would they cancel each other out or would he just make Zimmingham all bright, well kept, orderly and full of well grooomed peaceful faceless people?

If they ever meet in the comic we might find out.

Zimmy and Gamma are--in a complicated, twisted, unhealthy, etc. way-- a couple and very much in love,correct? I think this has been stated before, but I'd like to be sure I don't have the wrong idea.

They are a couple, yes.

Does Zimmy have parents?


Does Gamma sometimes stop to think about her relationship with Zimmy? Does she miss the more normal side of life, little pleasantries like that?

she thinks about it a lot

Also, how unique is Zimmy's condition in relation to what the Court is used to seeing?

It's not very common

How hard is it for Gamma to differentiate between the real world and Zimworld? She seems to have a bit of trouble in both Power Station and Spring Heeled 2

It can get confusing sometimes, but normally only when Zimmy is having a major attack

So far GC has a number of plot lines (Surma's illness, Jeanne, Zimmy and Gamma, etc.) once all these plot points get resolved will the comic end or will other puzzles and story arcs be woven in as the story progresses? i

there will be more story arcs, and the comic will end when they are all resolved

what would you say is the strongest friendship in the story?

Zimmy and Gamma's. But Anja and Donny's is probably healthier. Kat and Annie are also good friends

What was Zimmy's science experiment (besides an abomination)?

It was left up to the reader's imagination

is zimmy's love for gamma romantic in nature?

Some might be able to describe it that way if they thought about it hard enough

Are Zimmy and Antimony sisters?


Why is there dirt on Zimmy's eyes?

Visual metaphor

What's that stuff on Zimmy's eyes? And why does it wash off in the rain?

It's dirt

Not sure if someone already sent something in about this but I can see why Zimmy decided to call herself Zimmy because her real name,Zeta means "olive".

I see

Does Zimmy's white circle mean ANYTHING? Honestly.

It could

What was the inspiration(s) for Zimmy?

Just stuff

Is Rey actually scared of Zimmy or is he joking?

He genuinely doesn't like her

Does Zimmy's white circle symbolise void or something similar (like Annie's symbol means antimony, Eglamore's lead (or was it iron?) etc.)?

I'll email you the details

If natural water is full of etheric energy unless drained how come Zimmy can't go for a swim in a lake to cool off her brain.

she can't swim and would never willingly enter a large body of water

Do Zimmy's clothes have that circle before she takes ahold of them?

they have a circle on them

How old is Zimmy?

Currently 12

Before you said that Zimmy's parents don't remember her. Did the court do this when they took her, or was it something else?

Zimmy's parentents forgot her long before the Court found her

Who do you see as the most popular characters of the comic, excluding Annie?

People seem to like Kat, Zimmy and Coyote. But there seems to be a wide spread of favourites, which I'm happy about

How do most students apply for the Court? We've only seen Annie and Zimmy enter, and they don't seem to be typical.

They dont

Can Zimmy see the future, or is she limited to warped visions of the present? She said Jack was Annie's boyfriend, but I'm not sure if she was giving a lucid prediction about the future or just being a jerkface.

She can't predict the future (though sometimes she sees it). She was just making assumptions.

Was it entirely the whitelegs trying to flirt with Zimmy at the end of Spring Heeled Part II, and not Jack himself at all?


When Annie and Zimmy were each other, did it actually visually appear that way to everyone too, or just to Zimmy?

just to Zimmy

That door that Annie went through to enter Zimmy's world to save Jack...what does it normally lead to, and why did it become the entrance to Zimmy's world?

It leads to the roof

When Zimmy thought she was Annie, did Annie think she was Zimmy? Or did only Zimmy believe that Annie was Zimmy?

It was just Zimmy

So when Jack, Annie, Zimmy and Gamma were in that dark world the 2nd time, was the whitelegs completely in control of Jack and just using him as a meat puppet?

pretty much

What is the white circle that is always on Zimmy's clothes?

It's a white circle

Does the rain at the Court have a stronger effect on Zimmy than rain in other places? Would rain from a place like the forest be best?

It's pretty much the same

When she thought she was Annie, Zimmy passed out a little while walking with Gamma. Does she ever do that when she's not someone else?


In the beginning of Spring Heeled, Jack said he was going to the power station in order to find out what happened to him. Was that the real reason as far as he was aware? (The spider seemed to have a different agenda.)

To turn on the power station and draw Zimmy out

Does anyone other than Annie, Kat, Zimmy, Gamma, Jones, and Rey know what happened to Jack?


How do the white spiders work? Does Jack have a similar condition to Zimmy when he's under their influence?

not anymore

Did you mean that the Whitelegs wanted to be away from Zimmy, or is there something about Jimmy/Jim/James/Eglamore that they should also want to be away from?


When Zimmy thinks she's someone else, does she mainly believe she's someone she already knows?

Nope, it could be anyone

How often does Zimmy think she's another person?

It happens now and then, but only during more serious attacks, which are less frequent now she is at the Court

Is there something in particular about the real world that the Whitelegs desire? To be away from Jimmy Do you mean Eglamore?

Nope, I meant Zimmy but my phone autocorrected to Jimmy

When exactly in Spring Heeled did Annie and Zimmy become each other?

As soon as Annie opened the door

When exactly in Spring Heeled did Annie and Zimmy become each other?

As soon as Annie opened the door

Why were Zimmy and Annie as each other, in Zimmy's illusion, in Spring-Heeled?

Things are messed up in Zimmy's mind

Are there creatures other than the Whitelegs in Zimmy's mind/dark world that attempt to escape into the real world?

I'm sure there are a few that wouldn't mind. The whiteness are pretty feisty about it though

Would Zimmy actually like to get some shuteye, were it not for the fact that would be quite a Bad Idea?

She doesn't see what advantage that would be

Would Zimmy be at peace if she were to step into the forest?

most likely not

Why are Zimmy's eyes "gunky"? (asked by my eight-year-old daughter who *loves* the books)

It's a visual metaphor

If Annie trained and got better at ethericallity and specifically tried at it could she approach Gamma's effectiveness at relieving Zimmy's constant stress?


What might happen if someone insulted Zimmy to her face?

She'd get angry

Was Reynard's dislike of Zimmy anything to do with her apparent lack of eyes?


Gamma is definitely dedicated to Zimmy but does she wish she could make more friends? Does Zimmy have any other friends?


The Court doesn't track Zimmy, but could they track Gamma without Zimmy knowing?


Does Jack like Zimmy?

remains to be seen

When was the last time Zimmy saw her parents?

A long time ago

Are Zimmy's parents still alive?

They were last time Zimmy saw them.

Did Zimmy inherit her powers or condition from her parents? If not, will you be covering how she got them? Her parents must be something, to not even notice her presence.

Her parents were normal

Why and how did Annie and Zimmy switch identities in Spring Heeled, Part 2?

Things in Zimmy's mind don't make a whole lot of sense

How do Jones and Zimmy know each other?

remains to be seen

Is the reason libraries help calm Zimmy down because they're orderly/constant?


You said once that libraries help to calm Zimmy a bit. Was there some event in her past, or historical reason for this? Or has she simply always liked libraries arbitrarily?

The first time she went to a library, she realised it helped her. And so she now likes them

Is it possible that Zimmy's abilities encourage chaos in a similar way Andrews' abilities evoke order?


Did/does Zimmy or Gamma have any relatives?


Jones said that Zimmy was brought to the Court for research. Is research still being done on her?


The fact that Annie wears makeup is a spoiler with the same importance as why Zimmy has a little circle on her clothes?


Is rain the only thing that can wash away the black gunk from Zimmy's eyes? Has she tried to get rid of it in other ways?


Does Zimmy smell bad? What about Gamma? Does she take baths sometimes?

Zimmy doesn't smell to great. Gamma tries to get her to wash when she can

1. Could Coyote cure Zimmy if he wanted to? (I think if someone told him about her, he would think she's funnier whan she feels better... ) 2. Would he want to cure Zimmy if he knew her? (oh, wait... Coyote... gifts... not a good idea anyway :D )


Is it accurate to say that, in some sense, ZImmy is holding Gamma back?

In some ways that term could be used

What's to stop people being approached to join the Court [as with Zimmy], only to reject, and tell the rest of the world about the Court?

Nothing, but they don't

"Gamma looks at the words and Zimmy translates them" How is that different from Zimmy reading, just through Gamma's eyes/mind? Unless, Gamma knows how to pronounce the words but not their meaning?

Gamma is just the filter. she can't read english

When Zimmy looks at a page of text, does she see something different from what's actually written?

you could say that

Could Zimmy sleep if she wanted to?


I think I remember you saying once that Zimmy doesn't know how to read. Does Gamma read books to her, or does she just talk to Zimmy and tell her stories?

Gamma looks at the words and Zimmy translates them

Would Andrew affect Zimmy similarly to Gamma and Annie?

Remains to be seen

Is Zimmy to biology as Kat is to physics?


Would you please specify what used to happen to Zimmy when she tried to sleep?

She didn't have a good time

Will we ever find out what Zimmy's science fair project was?


Could Coyote fix Zimmy's problems?

If he felt like it

Without understanding why, Gamma knew Zimmy was angry at Kat and Annie so she tried to act tough. Once she heard Annie speak, she realized Annie and Kat weren't *trying* to bother Zimmy and she felt bad about trying to act tough. Um... right?


Is "Zimmy Zeta" Zimmy's full name, or is Zeta her first name and Zimmy is a nickname she prefers?

Her name is Zeta, but she prefers being called Zimmy

How close are Gamma and Zimmy?

Closer than most people can ever be

Is Zimmy well read? After her science fair project one wonders...

She can't read

Zimmy mentioned a little while ago about Gamma being able to use magic, so if she had one, would Gamma be able to use a blinker stone?

She might

Zimmy looks so skinny compared to Gamma... Is she just younger or does she not eat properly?


Would Coyote agree with Reynardine's assertion that Zimmy is a demon?


That was an unusually straightforward answer about Zimmy and Gamma being in love. Why were you so open about them, but remain secretive about other couples?

Because it's already obvious in the comic that they are in love.

Can other people access Zimmy's dark world without Zimmy's "assistance"?


Why don't Zimmy's parents remember about her eyes being all freaky?

Because they don't remember Zimmy.

Where is Zimmy from?

Birmingham, UK

What do Zimmy's parents think of her freaky eyes?

They don't remember.

You said before that there are gay characters, who did you refer to? Are there more than Zimmy and Gamma?


Does Zimmy have any parents?


I love Zimmy and Gamma! Are they in love with each other?


So if Zimmy's mind is tuned to the ether like Coyote and Renard's minds are, is Gamma kind of on the same level of Coyote and Renard? She must be some sorta angel. :D


Did Psychonauts influence the Zimmy chapters?


Were Zeta (now ZImmy) and Gamma given those names by the same person/entity?


"Why was the number "113" spelled out with boards at the ether station in spring heeled?" "Is it?" Yes. In Zimmy's world too near the mannequins.

Oh, I see.

If Gamma can banish Zimmy's hallucinations (or something along those lines) then could she have gotten rid of Jack's whitelegs?

No, she wouldn't have been able to help him too much

Do things appear in Zimmy's nightmares that reflect real things she hasn't encountered yet?


Would Coyote or Ysengrins' reactions to Zimmy be similar to Reynardine's?

Not quite

Why did Zimmy fling her shoes off in chapter 11?

She wanted to feel the water on her feet.

Why did Annie (looking as Zimmy) warn off Zimmy and Gamma in #732? Is it because she was afraid that Gamma was gonna "GOP" memory-Jack as she had done with Kat?

She didn't know what would happen if Jack got too close to Zimmy

Is it significant that Jones left out Ysengrin when she was explaining to Annie how Zimmy was in tune with the ether like Rey and Coyote?


Do the creatures from Zimmy's nightmare world have names for themselves outside of what Zimmy chooses to call them?


Do Zimmy's (red) eyes have some sort of negative effect on those around her? That optometrist fellow seemed to treat them as if some sort of mind-invading eldritch abomination. Was that just a bit of guest strip silliness?

Her eyes don't directly affect people no

I was reading over the questions you answered, and read about Zimmy killing a dog with a coathanger. In which chapter did that happen/ was that mentioned?

That happened before she came to Gunnerkrigg Court

Does Gamma's ability to stop Zimmy's hallucinations have any other use?

Remains to be seen

Does Zimmy like Annie okay, or does she hate her just as much as she hates anyone who isn't Gamma?

She doesn't hate Annie. That's pretty good going for Zimmy.

Why did Zimmy kill a dog (with a coathanger, no less)? Has she felt bad about it?

She was protecting Gamma

Who's in those real life paper pictures you made for the con?

So far: 2 of Annie, 2 of Kat, 2 of Renard (wolf and plush) 2 of Zimmy (one with Gamma) and Robot King

Do you speak any other languages besides English? I know Eglamore uses Slovenian at least once, and Gamma & Zimmy frequently speak in Polish.

I speak Spanish

What does Zimmy's voice sound like? I always imagined it as the voice of a raspy old woman, but somehow I don't think this was the intention.

Raspy, angry, irritated. She probably sounds like she has a blocked nose sometimes, or like she's just finished crying.

The Nobodies. Are they the various people Zimmy looked at (in Real Life) and if they didn't have any Etheric leanings they became the faceless nobodies in her world?


Does Zimmy like Easter?

She doesn't care about it

In Gamma's ramblings during Spring Heeled, Part II, it sounded like she believes Zimmy is a fan of the Christmas holidays. Is she correct?

Zimmy doesn't mind them, no. Gamma knows this.

Were you surprised when Zimmy became such a popular character among your fandom?

I hoped people would like her

What is your opinion about Zimmy and Gamma? Nah, just kidding :-P What do you think about the 'feud' between Control-Alt-Delete and Penny Arcade? I personally am on the CAD side.

I am on the Penny Arcade side.

Does Zimmy have a hobby? She seemed relatively entertained in City Face.

Not what you might call "hobbies", but she tries to occupy her time.

Is there anything Zimmy does to pass the time? Though I suppose there isn't much reason to care about passing time when your life still sucks pretty hard 12 hours later.

She just tries to get through the day without too much trouble. Tries not to look at too many things.

Tom, what would happen if Zimmy fell into the Annan Waters? -fjodor

She'd probably get wet

why is Annie's scar more noticeable around Zimmy in an earlier chapter?

Etheric mumbo jumbo

Was that time Zimmy used a coat hanger to kill a dog before or after she met Gamma?


Zimmy, have you tried listening to something calming like Enya?

Zimmy doesn't listen to music

so, zimmy was thinking she was annnie and annie was her... was annie also confused the whole time thinking she was zimmy?

not really, just confused

Zimmy wouldn't tell me.

That girl.

What's Dogwall?

You'd have to ask Zimmy.

Nobodies are entities resulting from Zimmy's powers, fake Kat is a manifestation of Annie's desire at the moment and memory Jack is the last bit of him that was left fighting off the spider, the destruction of which would give the spider full control.

Sounds good. Next time you see Zimmy get her to tell you about Dogwall, see if you can make any sense of that.

There's been some discussion on how consistent the effects of Zimmy's mindscape are. Will we one day have a fuller understanding of the similarities/differences of these events -- or is such reality-warping always fuzzy/random/unpredictable?

They are the twisted dellusions of a very sick child. Anybody saying there should be set rules and guidelines for the hallucinations better have a word with Zimmy and see what she says.

does Gamma ever get any free time to go do things like use the bathroom or take a nap or brush her teeth or talk to people without Zimmy there? it seems like a serious commitment to keep an eye on Zimmy, even for someone as devoted as Gamma

Of course she can go to the bathroom and stuff. But she doesn't get free time.

would it ease Zimmy's mind if she was tossed in the lake?


Will Zimmy ever be ok?

She's okay in my book! But also incredibly tortured.

What does Zimmy have against Halloween?

She has a hard enough time knowing what's what without people dressing up as different things.

Do the Nobodies exist independent of Zimmy?


Did Zimmy make the name 'whitelegs' up herself?


What do some of the characters do in their free time? Annie? Kat? Zimmy&Gamma?

Kat and Annie just do usual kid stuff, but also things like working on robots, or learning how to use a blinker stone. Zimmy just gets angry at stuff.

Why hasn't Zimmy gotten a exorcism yet! omg!!


Is Reynardine afraid of Zimmy herself (as opposed to the things in her nightmares)?

No he's afraid of her.

Would Zimmy be able to tell if the court was tracking Gamma?


Who/what would Zimmy dress as for Halloween?

She wouldn't, and she wouldn't let Gamma do it either.

i'm the person who asked about zimmy and gamma and I'm insanely happy now. <33333333333333333333


Why wouldn't Zimmy go swimming?

Because the water will get her.

Does Zimmy translate more honestly while her condition is cleared up?

If she feels like it yeah

What music would Zimmy listen to? What music would Gamma listen to? What kind of CD would Kat buy Annie for a present?

Kat would probably try to get Annie into Orbital first.

so technically, if zimmy went swimming, (or more likely, was tossed) in the lake, that would also help to ease her mind?

she would never go swimming

can the nobodies hurt zimmy in any way or is there another reason she is afraid of them?

yes they can cause her to come to harm

why don't you just tell us if Zimmy and Gamma are together romantically or not? because then we'd all stop bugging you about it.

I thought I've said plenty of times that they are. But also it's not that simple.

The latest page seems to imply anything with etheric energy would help ease Zimmy's... problem. Does this mean if she were to hang out with Cayote she'd feel pretty normal. (Not that I think that's very likely.)

Let us just say that that would not be fun times.

Did Zimmy get her powers through an accident or was she just born unlucky?

She was born like that

If the spider had finished doing what it was trying to do and gotten full control of Jack, would Zimmy still have been able to bring him back by killing it?

Most likely not

When Zimmy thought she was Annie, did she know everything that Annie knows (memories, thoughts, etc)?

No more than wearing a Dracula mask makes you Dracula.

Would Gamma see the Nobodies if she weren't near Zimmy?


Are we to understand that Gamma and Zimmy know more about the Tic-Tocs than the Court does?

Only a little, but nothing they could explain

Do you think it might be time to switch out the "Reynardine body swap" restriction with "Zimmy and Gamma relationship" questions?


Have those lightning lines between Zimmy and Gamma always been there? Or am I just now noticing because I'm more aware of the relationship?

They've been there since Power Station

I just noticed the electric (I suppose etheric, actually) arcs between Zimmy and Gamma's heads in today's page. It's a really cool touch! Did you do it on earlier pages and I miss it or did you just start with that page?

It's been visible since the Power Station chapter

Re: "May I make a Firefox Persona of Zimmy?", "Is this some furry thing?" No, "Persona"s are what Firefox (the web browser) calls custom themes

I see

May I make a Firefox Persona of Zimmy?

Is this some furry thing?

Hi! I have a question; which character from gunnerkrigg has been around the longest? You mentioned once on the forums that Gamma and Zimmy were created before GC so it got me thinking. Thanks!

It's either Zimmy or Jones.

How would you describe Zimmy and Gamma's relationship, then?


What is the word you would use to describe Zimmy & Gamma's relationship? I assume it's more than just sisterly.


Are you tired of all the "Are Zimmy and Gamma a couple?" questions, or have you accepted that it's one thing which will never be fully understood unless its cleared up leaving no doubts in the comic?

I'll get questions about it even if I clearly label and explain every element of their being and interaction.

How would you describe Zimmy and Gamma's relationship?

I would describe it as Zimmy and Gamma.

Is Zimmy even capable of a truly romantic relationship with anyone?

that's not exactly high on her list

How long was Gamma living in England before she met Zimmy?

Not long at all

Who chose Zimmy's nickname, if not Zimmy herself?


Why didn't the spider bite Zimmy when she picked it up?

It's not a biting spider

Did Zimmy not help Jack the first time because she was frustrated that the rain didn't work?

No mainly because she doesn't care

Gamma isn't mad at Zimmy, is she?


If Gamma's etheric ability is not unique is he pass down from her Family? oh and i like the subtle lines between Zimmy and Gamma to know they were talking in panel 2, 4,5 and 7 on page 740


Sorry if it's been asked before, but are Zimmy & Gamma in a romantic relationship, or is it more of a sisterly thing?

"Romantic" is not the word I would use to describe it.

Sorry if it's been asked before, but are Zimmy & Gamma in a romantic relationship, or is it more of a sisterly thing?

"Romantic" is not the word I would use to describe it.

Are Zimmy and Gamma unique in their etheric "abilities"?

Zimmy is

Will Zimmy and Gamma show up more often in the story from now on? If they won't, do you wish they would? I sure do.

They will be back at some point

Will Zimmy go back to being her usual self by the end of the chapter/bonus page?

We haven't got there yet

Does this happen between Zimmy and Gamma often?

Sometimes yes

Has the same sort of thing that's happened to Jack happened to other people before (caused by Zimmy)?


Not a question, but I just wanted to say that all of their appearances make love the Zimmy and Gamma pair more and more. By the way, what word meaning "two people, as a unit" carries no romantic connotation? Duo just makes me think of superheroes.


Are Zimmy and Gamma allowed to leave the Court?

If they wanted

I just notice that in 706 Spider Jack's eye's are all black (ala Zimmy) in the 4th panel. Was this just a space issue and made his eye's all black or more linked to where the Spider is from in Zimmy other world?


Can Zimmy eat human food?

Of course

You've said you changed some things when migrating Zimmy and Gamma from their story to Gunnerkrigg, are there any you can mention?

Zimmy doesn't swear nearly as much now.

Are Zimmy's teeth the result of poor dental hygiene?


Is part of the reason Zimmy looks forward to rain so much because she prefers being so nice to everyone? Or is it all about alleviating her condition, as far as she's concerned?

She prefers not having all that crap in her head for a little while is the main reason

Has Zimmy ever seriously thought to commit suicide, considering that would be leaving Gamma behind?

Before meeting Gamma, thinking about suicide was like visiting an old friend.

How does Zimmy get through the times when Gamma finally has to sleep?

With difficulty.

Are Zimmy and Gamma able to think without communicating telepathically?


Do Gamma and Zimmy love each other unconditionally?

Unfortunately, yes.

So if the spider got at Jack in Zimmingham, does that mean it originates from Zimmy's mind? Is it kind of a part of her, hence how she could kill it?

It would appear so

If Zimmy lived in a really rainy place, like Seattle, would her condition be at all alleviated?

It might be eased up a little while it was raining.

Would Anja be willing to teach Zimmy how to use a blinker stone? Would Zimmy be capable of using it?

Anja would be against it, and Zimmy wouldn't be interested.

Why does Gamma love Zimmy? Does Zimmy's possessiveness ever worry her?

Sometimes it does. As for why; well nobody has ever asked her.

Sorry I asked you this earlier, but there's apparently no way to search for older answers. Are Zimmy and Gamma a couple?

Yes they are

Would somewhere with a lot of consecutive rainy days be the ideal place for Zimmy to live?

One would think so

How fast does it take for Zimmy to go from rain-fresh nice and spritely to full-on black-eye-liner-smeared-over-the-corneas cranky?

Not long at all

Has Zimmy considered living somewhere with monsoons?

She doesn't consider living anywhere

Ooops, I'm not sure I asked to right question I wanted to ask why Gamma loves Zimmy and I might have messed the names up by mistake. So why? (feel free to delete the wrong question)


Why does Zimmy love Gamma?

Many reasons

Is Zimmy the only one that could have removed the spider? Like say, could Annie have done it too?

Currently, Zimmy was best suited to the job

How am I supposed to recognize that girl as Zimmy if she has her eyes open and her mouth closed?

Basic reading comprehension?

Woo, Zimmy acting all saucy. I love it. Will the court hold what Jack's done under the influence of the spider against him?

She squashed a spider. Not sure if this counts as saucy.

Could Annie (or another character) have killed the spider, or did it have to be Zimmy?

Someone who knew what they were doing might have been able to do the same. Annie is probably not in this category, however.

How long does it take for the effects Rain has on Zimmy to fade?

They fade very quickly

Will Zimmy now explain everything? :P

Remains to be seen

Does your comment on page 739 refer to the same Jack/Zimmy ship?


Is it potentially possible, even if very improbable, for Zimmy's problem to be controlled like Annie suggested?

Maybe in the same way cancer can be controlled.

Did Zimmy choose to go by that specific nickname for a reason, other than disliking the name Zeta?

It wasn't her choice

So, Gamma realized they were in That Place (she knew "Zimmy" and Jack were near Iron: Man) but saw "Annie" for what she really was, correct?

Gamma didn't realise they were in Zimmy's hallucination until the spider mentioned it.

I can't find a word to describe Zimmy's eyes in panel 4 of page 739, but they freak me out a bit. Is this intentional?

It's just some eyes

Is Zimmy a pet name for Zinnia?


How would you describe the expression on Zimmy's face in the last panel of page 738?

I would describe it as Zimmy

On a related note, is the reason Reynardine is so wary of Zimmy because of what he sees when he uses his Ether-sight on her? Would he be less worried if he saw or interacted with her after (or during) rain?

Remains to be seen

You said Zimmy's eye gunk is just a visual metaphor, and that other characters can see she has red eyes most of the time. That being said, would they still notice a difference about her if they saw her in the rain? Other than her being happy, that is.

They notice a difference, yes

So Zimmy has thought she was someone else before? Anyone you'd care to mention?

It's happened before, yes.

Do Zimmy and Gamma ever argue with each other?


Since her confrontation with Annie in chapter 19 I've been wondering; has Zimmy ever considered ending her own life? :(

Many times

Do Zimmy and Gamma ever go get haircuts?

Sometimes, under protest (from Zimmy)

Zimmy really makes the comic for me, there's something glorious about that demonic child. Regardless if I get to know more about her or not, I really like her character design.


When it rained on Zimmy in Dobranoc Gamma, she is seen rubbing at her eyes before her pretty red eyes show. What would happen if Zimmy rubbed at her eyes on a normal day?


So memories of people in Zimmy's world can't be GOP'd like the Nobodies? But didn't that memory of Kat get GOP'd?

Not the kind of memory Jack was

Will we ever find out more (even if not directly so) about MoneySpider (that decidedly unpleasent City Face commenter who seemed interested in Zimmy)?

Who is Moneyspider?

Did Zimmy look like Zimmy to Gamma the whole time in this chapter?


Is Zimmy in love with someone other than Gamma?


If Zimmy was exposed to normal rain continuously for long enough, would her head stop steaming?


This chapter keeps getting more and more amazing. You really have a knack for getting people invested in the work even when they have no real clue what's going on, as particularly evident in the last page (which was awesome). Is Zimmy smiling at jack?

Tell that to the people in the forum.

Did Jack found out that he was being tracked by the Court just like how Zimmy can sense she is being watched?

Kinda yes

Is Zimmy's white circle badge a reference to Grant Morrisons The Invisibles?


For what it's worth, since I've noticed some people knocking it in earlier "questions"--I'm very much enjoying the ANNIE IS ZIMMY IS GAMMA IS BOXBOT bewilderment. (Though I figure the only way to find out is to wait and see.)


Since Zimmy and Gamma were originally created for a different project, did you have to change a lot about them to make them fit in Gunnerkrigg?

A little. They changed a lot frmo their initial conception anyway

Why does Zimmy have such poor posture?

No reason not to

Does Gamma ever wish she had more friends than just Zimmy?


About Zimmy not sleeping--is it that she physically cannot sleep, or that she never tires, or both?

She knows not to try

Does Zimmy's shirt blob have any connections with the phaeries' markings?


Uh, how has Gamma avoided learning any English?

she knows Zimmy wouldn't like it.

Did you expect everyone to be as curious as they are about Zimmy and Gamma, particularly the nature of their relationship? Were you hesitant at all to include them?

I hoped people would be curious about Zimmy and Gamma

Why doesn't Zimmy sleep?

She can't

Does Zimmy (or Gamma) know what needs to be done to get everyone through the current affair alive and sane?

Remains to be seen

Are you enjoying all the "Annie is Zimmy! Zimmy is Annie!" speculation? Because I'm not. I do enjoy reading the comic though. Thanks.


Do Zimmy and Gamma have different ideas of what they want their relationship to be? Specifically, does one of them want it to be romantic, while the other one just wants to be friends?

They both want the same thing, and that is to be safe and to be together.

Are Zimmy and Gamma one entity occupying two bodies?


That line on Zimmy's cheek on page 735. Is it Annie's cut?

no, it's a hair

Does Zimmy fear the Nobodies?


Would swimming in a lake in the Forest -- or in the Court lake before etheric energy is extracted from the water there -- act on Zimmy like rainwater does?

She hasn't tried it

On page 192 Zimmy sees a creature that looks like the imprisoned Reynardine. Was this a memory for her (had she seen him before)?

It's a future distortion

Is Zimmy the spider?

Remains to be seen

What was Gamma's life like before she found Zimmy?

Not too great

What I meant was, what exactly is Annie trying to do right now? Stop Jack from getting to Zimmy? Why is she so concerned? Because, it seems to me that Jack couldn't really harm Zimmy if he wanted to, and letting him find her might actually help him.

she doesn't want bad stuff to happen to people

How could Gamma not realize that they were in Zimmyngham? Where did she think they were?

All this is pretty normal for Zimmy and Gamma

How could Gamma not realize that they were in Zimmyngham? Where did she think they were?

All this is pretty normal for Zimmy and Gamma

If the people in Zimmy's head are memories, when they pop, does she lose that memory? It seems like that might drive you crazy.

Sometimes it does her good to lose them

Can Zimmy feel the Tic Toc's stare (as Gamma says on 196) because the Tic Toc can stare at her etherically, and Zimmy can sense the etherium?

She can tell when a system is tracking her

Does rain relieve Zimmy's stress b/c of the etheric energy in the water? If that's the case, it explains why the power station rain didn't help, as the energy had already been drained from it.


Will we find out why Zimmy and Gamma go to libraries when Gamma needs to sleep?


Can Zimmy's hallucinations affect anyone besides herself physically?


Does Zimmy's mind create her "hallucinations" or are they already there and only she can perceive them?

A little of both

How can Zimmy see if her eyes are all scribbly?

By looking

Are Zimmy and Gamma a thing? I can't tell if they're just really really good friends or not. I kinda hope they're together <3

They are a thing

Is Zimmy tired?

Very often yes

Do the bags under Annie's eyes just mean that she's tired, or are they meant to look like Zimmy's?


Why was everything white on the other side of the "ROOF ACCESS" door before Zimmy ran away?

Because strange things were happening

What do you personally call Zimmy's world?

That Place

Are Annie's eyes supposed to look like Zimmy's (or Jack's) in panel 2 of the latest page (733)? They only have stuff coming down from them in that one.

That's right

Some people have theorized that characters changed places in Zimmy' world. One of the reasons was Gamma suddenly being next to Jack in page 732. Did she really just appear there, or did we just not see her move between the panels?

Gamma walked over to him.

Does Annie seriously think that Jack stands a chance against Zimmy?

Doing what?

Are Zimmy's teeth really sharp or is that more visual metaphor? I hope they are really sharp!

They are sharp

Will Zimmy's subplot ever be resolved? Do you ever feel you're stretching things thin by having such... intriguing "guest stars"?

Remains to be seen

How deep is Gamma and Zimmy's love? Is it beyond best friends love?

yes they are more than just best friends

Is Zimmy a psychopomp?


Does Zimmy love Gamma back? I hope she does, cause Gamma AND Zimmy are my favourite characters.

Yes she does

Will we at some point get to see what sorts of tests the Court perform on Zimmy?


Is Jack the first person to be changed by Zimmy in the manner that he was? Would Zimmy be at all surprised if she found out how he changed?


How does the Court do research on Zimmy if she's just wandering around all the time without surveillance?

They have an agreement. She comes in for tests once in a while.

On the last panel of page 193, is that Zimmy's hand reaching out?

No it's Annie's. Zimmy has long sleeves.

Do you like Justice, or did you happen to listen to Stress and decide it fits Zimmy well enough to be her theme song? I think it does, for all that's worth.

I like some of their songs, but I found them through Stress

This is weirdly specific, but on page 470, was Zimmy repeating advice Gamma has given her? Also thanks for answering questions again; I really enjoy learning more about the comic.

Zimmy knows it's easier for other people to shrug off.

Smitty seems very powerful (warping reality on an unconscious level to make it neater is no parlor trick). Would a meeting between him and Zimmy "not be pretty" due to his strong etheric presence?

That remains to be seen.

Can Annie here Gamma & Zimmy's telepathy in Birmingham? Or did I fall for a classic blunder? PS: Glad the formspring page is back up :)

Annie where?

Are the backgrounds we're seeing now based on photographs of Birmingham like they were last time we saw Zimmy's world?


Are the backgrounds we're seeing now based on photographs of Birmingham like they were last time we saw Zimmy's world?


Does Zimmy watch the weather channel religiously?


Can Zimmy bite through bone?

maybe chicken bones, like anyone with teeth

Diego's eyes on his deathbed looked a bit like Zimmy's. I feel a bit silly for asking, since it's almost certainly a coincidence, but...well, /is/ it a coincidence, or is there some kind of link there?

it's just how I drew them

I don't understand the "Stubbs" drawing you did a while back- the one with Zimmy and Gamma and the pigeon. What's going on in it?

Stumps was a pigeon that died.

Does Jack actually notice that he's in a bad state, like Zimmy does? Or does he prefer having his current abilities and believe it's the rest of the world that's off-key?

Nobody asked him yet

Jack said he called out to Annie and Zimmy when they were in other-Birmingham. Does he actually make an appearance in the chapter 19 pages, or is it a fruitless endeavour to try to spot him?

I wouldn't bust my ass over it if I were you

Can Zimmy fly, as we now know Jack can?


Would Zimmy eat a pigeon (as almost seen in City Face)? Is she carnivorous, or just creepy?

Nah, she was just joking

Is Jack really hoping to see Zimmy, or is it another girl?

He was talking about Zimmy

Just what is Jack hoping to get out of Zimmy from meeting her? An explanation? A way to reverse the effects? How to develop powers like hers? I doubt she'd be very helpful even if he did find her...

Remains to be seen

I think I've figured out what you're trying to say with Zimmingham. You're trying to say "Hey this is a scary place and some girl named Zimmy can never escape which is pretty sad for her", right?

I suppose that is one way of looking at it

How long were the characters for GC in your head before you started the comic? Zimmy and Gamma particularly, since I remember seeing them on your DA before GC started.

Zimmy and Gamma had been around for a few years before starting the comic. So had Jones. All the others were made for the comic, though.

Would natural rain alleviate Jack's symptoms the way it does Zimmy's?

This scenario has not been explored in the comic.

did Jack see someone that he lost in "Zimmy's Birmingham"?

not quite

Will Zimmy and Gamma ever graduate from the court if they rarely attend classes?

remains to be seen

How does Zimmy feel about Annie (not meant in a romantic sense)


What would Zimmy look like if examined by Annie or Jack?

Hasn't been shown in the comic yet.

How does Zimmy feel about Annie (not meant in a romantic sense)


What would Zimmy look like if examined by Annie or Jack?

Hasn't been shown in the comic yet.

What would Zimmy look like if examined by Annie or Jack?

Hasn't been shown in the comic yet.

Do the volcanic clouds of doom create a more inspirational look for the next time you draw Zimmy's Birmingham?


Was Zimmy inspired by Psychonauts at all?


Was Zimmy inspired by Psychonauts at all?


Zimmy doesn't really seem like the type to be too invested in school work, why did she enter the science fair?

She wasn't feeling too bad that day.

Zimmy doesn't really seem like the type to be too invested in school work, why did she enter the science fair?

She wasn't feeling too bad that day.

Zimmy doesn't really seem like the type to be too invested in school work, why did she enter the science fair?

She wasn't feeling too bad that day.

If examined with Annie's Etheric sight, what does Zimmy look like?

Remains to be seen.

If examined with Annie's Etheric sight, what does Zimmy look like?

Remains to be seen.

If examined with Annie's Etheric sight, what does Zimmy look like?

Remains to be seen.

Is Jack starting to accumulate black gunk around his eyes like Zimmy?

That appears to be the case yes.

Is Zimmy's condition one of a kind or has the Court encountered cases like her before?

Not exactly.

Does Jack's condition get better in Annie's presence, like Zimmy's does around her and Gamma?

Not really.

Does Jack's condition get better in Annie's presence, like Zimmy's does around her and Gamma?

Not really.

If you meet your own characters, who is likely to punch you for what you have done to them?

Zimmy, I would guess.

If the spider from Zimmy's world could follow Jack into the real world, does that mean that Zimmy's hallucinations can come to life, or at the least leak through into the real world?


Outside of Zimmy and co., which main character did you think up first? Did you build the story around them, or were they the impetus for coming up with the story?

Annie was first, and the reason I started the comic.

Can other characters see that Zimmy has red eyes or do they see the swirly shadow things?

They don't really pay that much attention.

I've noticed a recurring artistic element in GC- these white, swirly lines tend to appear around things and people occasionally (especially Zimmy, see pg. 466). Are these just indicators of etheric activity?

Pretty much yeah.

Am I completely off-base when I see some similarities between Zimmy and Reynardine when they are acting ornery or mean? They do share similar experiences of being prisoners in cruel conditions. With the difference that Zimmy's cage was her psychic world.

You are not completely off-base, but also for different reasons.

Is the shadowing around Jack's eyes just an indication that he's "sick" from the spider or is he starting to accumulate black gunk around his eyes like Zimmy?


In panel 4 of the latest page, are Jack's eyes meant to look like Zimmy's?


Are Gamma's etheric powers (namely her power of canceling out Zimmy's otherworldly hallucinations) stronger than Antimony's?


Was the fake Kat in Zimmy's world created by Annie's mind?


Is the spider the one who gave Jack the ability to see Annie, when she was pushing the boat? Or was that gained gradually just from entering Zimmy’s Birmingham?

It's the spider.

Was the fake Kat in Zimmy's world created by Annie's mind or Zimmy's?


I was surprised when Annie asked Zimmy if she ever considered controlling her "gift", because it seems so hard to control. Is there even a smidgen of a chance it's possible?

In Zimmy's case, just living with it is hard enough.

Did Jack always have ethereal abilities, or did he gain them with the whole spider thing in Zimmy's dark world?

He might have had some talent before encountering Zimmy.

We will probably learn a bit more about Zimmy, but will we learn why The Court wanted her there? So far we haven't seen any signs that she is being actively studied.


Hello Mr Sidell. Has Jack's encounter with Zimmy made him able to see into the ether or was this ability dormant in him and the encounter was just a catalyst?

It is becuase of his encounter with Zimmy.

Okay, it's hard to know how to phrase this question but here goes. If the spider is from Zimmy's world or wherever, shouldn't Annie's limited Gamma-effect on Zimmy's hallucinations somehow lessen the spider's um, weirdness?

You would think so, unless it is something stronger than Annie.

When the rain washes the black gunk from Zimmy's eyes, does she stop hallucinating and seeing the faceless people for a bit?

For a bit, yes.

When Reynardine calls Zimmy a "demon girl", does he actually consider her a demon or is it just an expression of his disdain?

The latter.

When Zimmy figured out who Kat was from seeing her with Annie, did that mean she could not see her face clearly? While on the topic, when she called Kat Bignose, was that meant to imply that she can at least partially see her face?

She can see people's faces most of the time. Sometimes she can't.

I seem to recall you said Zimmy's condition became worse over time. At what point did it become a serious problem? Has it continued to get worse even after she met Gamma?

Her condition was at its worst right before she met Gamma. Since then it has eased off due to Gamma's presence.

Does Zimmy actually have scary pointed teeth or is that just an artistic reflection of her personality? Wouldn't that freak out the other students?

She actually has pointed teeth.

Can Zimmy not read because of her eyes, or does she not know how to read? Can Gamma read?

She doesn't know how to read because she can't look at printed words long enough to learn. Gamma can read, but not understand English. Through Gamma, though, Zimmy can read stuff (Gamma looks at the words and Zimmy translates) but she doesn't see the point.

If Zimmy can't read, what does she do all night?

She wanders around looking for a place that doesn't bug her too much.

Since Zimmy never sleeps, I imagine she does a lot of reading. What kind of books does she prefer to read?

She can't read.

Does Zimmy in Birmingham represent you?


How come Reynardine called Zimmy a demon girl in page 701? Wouldn't Annie's statement on 695, panel 3 prevent him from doing so?

It wasn't really a direct order, it was just a comment.

Did Zimmy suspect that the Kat in her nightmare world wasn't the real one?

No, she didn't care that much about it.

How old are the characters of Zimmy and Gamma (and Jones)? I mean how long ago did you come up with them?

Dunno really. I think maybe around 10 years ago now.

"Annie came first before everything." Even Zimmy? When did she figure in?

I made Zimmy and Gamma a long time ago (and Jones, actually), but they came long before Gunnerkrigg. Annie was the first character I drew from the comic and I wanted to add Zimmy later.

why couldn't jack find zimmy?

Because Zimmy didn't want to be found.

After Annie's experience in Zimmy's Birmingham, were her eyes experiencing a temporary visual metaphor?


Has Zimmy considered occasionally asking Annie for help so that Gamma could sleep more often? It would mean swallowing her pride to ask for help, but it would also help Gamma.

But it would mean swallowing her pride.

Is the spider creature in Zimmy's nightmare-place Ketrak?


Is you using Birmingham as Zimmy’s hallucinogenic nightmare your creative way of comparing Birmingham to a Hellhole?

Yes. Not very subtle, I know.

Will Andrew and Zimmy meet?


Hello Tom. Are Gamma's parents concerned about her? What about Zimmy's Parents?

Zimmy's parents haven't really noticed she's gone. Gamma doesn't think about her parents.

Does Renardine sense something in Jack like he does in Zimmy?


Would Andrew have any effect on Zimmy or her Birmingham if they came into contact?

It would not be a pretty sight.

Do Zimmy and Gamma enjoy chasing rats?

Zimmy does sometimes.

Does Gamma know that Jack was dragged into Zimmynham too?

She realised it when Zimmy did.

This obviously goes against character for both, but if either Jack or Zimmy were to go directly to one the adults in the Court and ask for help, would the adults attempt to help them.

Jack probably.

You say Zimmy's eyes are a visual metaphor. Can the other character's see the blackness at all? If so, what do they see when her eyes are "washed" by the rain?

They can see she has red eyes.

is zimmy's world based on a delerients? if you look up the effects of DPH (benadryl, dramamine) or datura, the hallucinations are strikingly similar to what we see in her world, almost EXACTLY the same, especially if you look at art inspired by it

It's pretty much just based on Birmingham.

Is there any (named, known) character whom Zimmy sees as faceless, or do all the characters we know of have faces to her? Is there a specific reason why she sees some people as faceless and some as not?

It's random. Sometimes she can see a person's face, and sometimes she can't.

In Power Station, Gamma told Zimmy that only Annie got dragged into Zimmy's horrible mental Birmingham. It then turns out that Jack was also somehow affected. Did he end up in Zimmy's mental Birmingham, or did something different happen to him?

That remains to be seen.

Does Gamma find it harder or easier to stay awake for long periods of time compared to when she first started staying awake for Zimmy?

It's a little easier now. She has a system for getting some rest when she can.

Would Jack have been so calm about a giant wolf right behind him before he was changed by Zimmy's world?

Probably not.

Does Reynardine has to treat all Annies words, for exemple "don't call Zimmy a demon girl", as a order?

It's pretty clear when a comment is an order or not.

Had the Court considered the effects Zimmy might have on the other students?

Briefly, yes.

Does anyone in the Court's employ know what is wrong with Zimmy?

That remains to be seen.

So far, we've encounter a few cases of a character being devoted to someone who treats them rather thoughtlessly: Gamma to Zimmy, Ysengrin to Coyote, etc. Is this a theme for the comic?

Kind of, yes.

Would most people be affected as Jack was by being dragged into Zimmy's nightmare, or would Annie's reaction be more typical?

It could have been worse. It depends on the person.

Does Gamma understand what is wrong with Zimmy?


What exactly is wrong with Zimmy? Was she born like this or did some etheric experiment she was involved in went wrong?

She was born like that.

Does the court know that the power station messes with Zimmy's head? Do they care?

That remains to be seen.

Is there a reason Gamma didn't realize Jack was in Zimmy's world in chapter 19?

That remains to be seen.

err.. Gamma and Zimmy, I mean

No worries.

Why was Gamma in Birmingham?

Because that's where Zimmy was.

Does Zimmy wear black makeup that washes off in the rain, or are her eyes just...weird?

Visual metaphor.

Can the dirt around Zimmy and Jack's eyes be removed by normal means other than rain? Do Zimmy and Jack simply not care to do so?

No it's always there.

Could be so kind as to tell us what songs you have in mind for some of your characters? Hearing Stress while thinking about Zimmy's situation was fun and sort of insightful.

I'll have to compile a list sometime. It's just mainly certain songs I associate with some characters or situations.

Why did Zimmy kill a dog with a coat hanger?

To protect Gamma.

Is "cautiously indifferent" high praise when it comes to Zimmy and other people?

Pretty much yeah.

You once said that Zimmy matches the song "Stress" by Justice, are there any other matches like that?

I have a few songs in mind for some of the characters, yes.

Other than what happened in "Power Station" and similar events, does Zimmy's condition usually affect others?

Soemtimes, yes.

I seem to recall you said Zimmy's condition became worse over time. At what point did it become a serious problem? Has it continued to get worse even after she met Gamma?

It got worse right up until she met Gamma. Since then it has plateaued and sometimes even gotten a little better.

When Zimmy figured out who Kat was from seeing her with Annie, did that mean she could not see her face clearly? While on the topic, when she called Kat Bignose, was that meant to imply that she can at least partially see her face?

Zimmy can see people's faces most of the time. She just thinks Kat has a big nose.

Is Zimmy able to see more people's faces when she cleans her eyes in the rain?

She can see things more normally for a while, yeah.

How did Zimmy and Gamma come to love one another?

When they found eachother.

Are Zimmy and Gamma capable of loving people except each other? Does Gamma know about city fairies?

Gamma is fairly normal. As normal as a girl in her situation could be. She could love and have friends if she wanted. Zimmy though, would never consider anyone else. <br /> Gamma has met the city fairies too.

Why did Reynardine immediately reveal that he was bound to Annie, the owner of his body, rather than trick her into setting him free?

Because Zimmy forced him to reveal himself.

How does Zimmy view Annie? Does she dislike her or is she more or less indifferent?

She sees that Annie doesn't give her to omuch trouble and even helped her and Gamma a couple times. So she's cautiously indifferent about her.

I apologize if I am beating a dead horse on this one, but can Zimmy actually see? I saw you talk of the visual metaphor, but are they just like Mrs. Donlan's eye, or awesomely different?

Zimmy can see just fine.

Does Zimmy like pigeons? Has she ever met a city fairy?

She thinks pigeons are okay. They don't bother her too much. She has met city fairies before, yes.

Does Gamma resent Zimmy's dependence on her?


Hey, I suppose this is the "remains to be seen" kind of question but, Are we ever going to know what's going on with Zimmy?. By the way, i really enjoy your comic, (Gamma its one of my favourite characters) keep the good work!

That kind of thing should be explored later.

Are the dark rings around Jack's eyes from supernormal causes (like Zimmy), or are they simply from a lack of sleep?


What is with Zimmy's eyes? Why are they all....crazy?

Visual metaphor.

Did Jack have any social problems before the encounter with Zimmy?

Not really no.

In chapter 5, the night Reynardine was exposed, only Kat's and Zimmy's projects were left. Reynardine was trying to get Kat to win, and wouldn't go near Zimmy's project, so what was he trying to do that night?

He went back to see if there was anything else to wreck.

A follow-up to someone else's question: Does Zimmy consider Annie to be her friend?


Why do you sympathize most with Gamma?

Because she has a tough deal. So does Zimmy, but she can't help it. Gamma could walk away whenever she wanted.

Was Zimmy calling Kat "Big-nose" meant to imply that she could see her face? Will that ever be significant?

It's meant to imply that Zimmy thinks Kat has a big nose.

Is every mystery in the comic connected, or do some of them operate independently? Like, maybe the story of Zimmy and Gamma has nothing to do with Coyote and the Forest.

Some parts are connected, and some aren't.

Will Zimmy and Coyote ever meet?

That remains to be seen.

What is your favourite part of the story to write? (e.g. bits with Zimmy and Gamma, bits that take place in the forest?)

I like parts with Annie and Kat.

It's been revealed that Coyote probably wouldn't know what Jones is. But would he know what's wrong with Zimmy?

Yeah, he would.

How did Zimmy come to the Court's attention?

She became of interest to them.

When we saw Diego's last moments, he took off his glasses for first time. Are those the eyes of a tired old man, or are those the same kind of eyes Zimmy has?

The eyes of a tired old man.

Does the Court deal with people with a condition like Zimmy's often?

Zimmy is a fairly unique case.

Did Zimmy inherit her condition? Would the court cure it?


How long has Zimmy known Gamma?

A few years now.

Has Zimmy had her "Condition" her entire life?


How did Gammy and Zimmy discover they had a telepathic connection?

When Gamma found Zimmy.

Does Gamma feel the same way about Zimmy, as Zimmy feels about her?

Gamma also loves Zimmy, yes.

Does Zimmy really love Gamma, or is she mainly interested in getting rid of her hallucinations?

She genuinely loves Gamma.

Does Gamma have any interests other than helping Zimmy? Don't her parents miss her?

She's not really had any time to find any other interestes other than what helps Zimmy.

According to google translate, the sign in the library where we first meet Zimmy and Gamma says "risk of insect[s?]" Does Zimmy attract insects in general, or just spiders?

Just weird things in general.

A third question (there's a character limit apparently): Are Gamma's powers only related to Zimmy or could she use them in some other way if she were so inclined?

She's pretty much only capable of helping Zimmy.

Two questions. Do you have an aversion to spiders? Does Zimmy have a mental disorder that could be found in the DSM or is her craziness directly related to her "gift"?

I think spiders are super creepy, but I love them.<br /> I think you might be hard pressed to find what was wrong with Zimmy in a book.

If Zimmy truly cared about Gamma, she wouldn't lie to her all the time, don't you think?

You don't know Zimmy.

Why don't Zimmy's parents remember her (if that's not a spoiler)?

It's a spoiler.

Is Gamma now aware that Zimmy doesn't translate correctly after what Annie said in chapter 19 or did Jack interrupt before she understood?

No, she gets the situation.

Does Gamma like helping Zimmy ward off the, uh, hallucinations? Why does she stick around?

She sticks around because Zimmy needs her.

What is up with Zimmy and creepy spider things? Do they not like her?

No they don't like her.

Why can't Reynardine see the cut on Annie's face if both Coyote and Zimmy can see it?

Zimmy can't see it al the time.

How often does Zimmy bathe anyway?

Not nearly as often as she should.

Do Zimmy's parents love her? Do they know that Gamma helps her in some way?

If they could remember her, they would be glad she is gone.

I think you have a knack for creating characters--like Zimmy, Diego, and Ysengrin--who are twisted yet also fascinating and at times intensely pitiable. They linger in my mind, and make your comic so interesting. Thank you for creating them.

Thank you.

Would something bad happen if Zimmy met Coyote?

Maybe if Coyote wanted something bad to happen.

Why did Zimmy need to get to the Birmingham library in the chapter 11 flashback?

Libraries help calm her a little bit.

Was Reynardine scared of Zimmy or did he just not want her to touch him because he thinks she's gross?

He was scared and didn't want her to touch him.

Was Zimmy prone to seeing visions from birth, and if so, how much did her life suck when she was a baby, or before she met Gamma?

It was bad pretty much from the start. There was a time when she was too young to realise how bad it was, I suppose.

If Jack had never had his encounter with Zimmy, would Annie have noticed anything different about him through the blinker stone?

No, he was changed by his experience with Zimmy.

Rey seems to be terrified by Zimmy (at the science fair he called her demon). Somewhere down this thread you confirmed that Zimmy is human. Q: Does Reynardine sense something about her, or does he see her etheric shape that terrifies him?

There is something about her he doesn't like.

Are there other kids with abilities/disabilities similar to Zimmy 's and Gamma's?

Not quite the same.

What attracted the Court to Zimmy? Was it her dimension switching abilities or her prowess in science or something else entirely?

Something else entirely.

Is Zimmy human?


Why do some characters, such as Muut and Zimmy, have swirly designs around them?

Visual metaphor.

Would Gamma ever teach Zimmy Polish? Does she like to draw?

Zimym doesn't want to learn Polish. And Gamma doesn't really have the time to draw.

Zimmy and Gamma were an old idea of yours, yes? Why did you choose to incorporate them into the Gunnerkrigg story? Will they be closely linked with the main plot eventually, or are they a mostly separate sub-plot? Is this too many questions at once?

I wanted to use them in something as I thought they were too interesting to be left alone. I hope to use them more in the future also.

Why haven't you been stoned to death on the street over Zimmy and Gamma - is their relationship flawed and ambiguous enough to be written off as non-romantic, thus sparing you your grim fate?

People can make of their relationship what they want, but they aren't exactly a cute couple. Not in the Internet sense of things, leastways.

How much of Jack's creepiness is because of his trip to Zimmy's world, and how much of it was there already but we just didn't see?

That remains to be seen.

What is Zimmy's voice like? I've wondered for a long time now...

A terrible Birmingham girl's accent.

How do you feel about Birmingham as a city and as a place to live? Is Zimmy's nightmare Birmingham meant as a metaphor for your view of the real one?

I do not like it here very much.

What happened to Zimmy and Gamma's parents? Or does that remain to be seen?

That's not really the focus of this comic.

Chapter 18 is one of your strongest chapters. I mean, introducing us to the idea of court weather manipulation and giving us more details to Zimmy's curse through the lens of children sneaking out at night? Brilliance. Great storytelling.

Chapter 18 is about finding Jeanne's painting and the robots, but thanks.

What happens to those side drawings you would occasionally show during ustreams? Stuff like Zimmy and Gamma with the spider.

They are saved until I can get back to them.

Do Gamma and Zimmy not have parents? What happened to them?

Yeah they had parents.

Other that Zimmy and Gamma, which I believe you've mentioned in the past as a possibility, are there any other characters' stories (including characters not yet revealed) that you think would make good subjects for their own comic or project?

I'd really love to do a short story on Paz. I have a nice idea in mind for her.

Will Zimmy and Gamma be in the next chapter? (or the one after that?) I'm so excited to find out more about those guys!

We shall have to see.

What is wrong with Zimmy? And why is she so dirty?

She has more important things to worry about than personal hygene (at least that is what she tells Gamma when she is bugging her to clean up).

What would Annie see if she looked at Zimmy while using her blinker stone?

That remains to be seen.

Will Gamma ever learn English?

Not if Zimmy can help it.

Are Zimmy and Gamma a couple?

Not in the way you are thinking.

How people perceive Zimmy's eyes? Like two deep black holes? Aren't they freaked out by them?

She looks like a pretty crummy girl.

Can Zimmy's "hallucinations" truly hurt her, or other people caught in them?

Most definitely.

Do the creatures in the world Zimmy goes to actively target etheric visitors, or do they just have Menacing as a default?

They pretty much just have a problem with Zimmy.

Does any of teachers cares that sticking with Zimmy hinders Gamma's progress in school by, for example, keeping her from learning english? How does she takes an exams, by the way?

No, they let the two girls do basically what they want. They rarely attend classes and a teacher would never dream of asking them to sit an exam.

Are we going to find out what that Powerplant is all about? And why artificial Rain doesn't help Zimmy?


What is this circle on Zimmy's shirt? A button? A lapel pin? Why is she always wearing it?

It is part of her character.

Would Zimmy's science fair entry be replicable by someone who doesn't have her condition? They wouldn't have to come up with the method themselves, just follow the physical process by following instructions.

They probably could yeah.

Have you ever had an experience similar to Zimmy's?

I hope not.