Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

8 matches for annie surma eglamore.

Does Annie know that Eglamore had feelings for Surma?

She does

Does Eglamore see Annie as Surma?


When Coyote laughed playfully at finding out Surma had a son, saying, "Eglamore, you hound", did Annie experience that weird feeling you have when you realize your mom had other boyfriends before your dad. Or was her dad so distant, she wasn't surprised?


Does Annie know the story of how Surma ended up with Anthony instead of Eglamore?


the reason Surma left Mr. Eglamore for Annie's dad-- is it an important element of main plot, or is it just to provide conflict?

It is a fairly important story that I would like to get to.

how much of what coyote does is a lie or a trick for his own amusement? did he really mistake Annie for Surma, did he really think Eglamore was her dad?

Yeah he got her confused. Coyote may be powerful, but he was never too smart.

Do you think Eglamore would treat Annie any differently if she looked less like Surma and more like Anthony?

That might factor into it, yeah, but she's still the daughter of his ex-girlfriend.

Is Eglamore still weird about Annie being Surma's kid or is he getting over all that?

He's still kinda weird about it, really.