Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

12 matches for annie child.

Annie's parents knew Jones when they were Annie's age. Was Jones appearance the same as she is now, or did she appear as a child?

We have not seen her at that point.

Do the women in Annie's family somehow feel compelled to give birth? Has none of them ever considered adoption or simply not having a child.

If they had, Annie would not be here.

What happens if someone of Annie/Surma's line tries to have a second child?

They would not be able to.

Does Kat know what can/will happen if Annie ever has a child?

Yeah, they talked about it.

Did Surma intend to have a child, or was Annie an accident?

Annie was not an accident

If everyone, including Anthony, knew about what would happen if Surma had a child...why did Anthony father Annie?

Remains to be seen

Was there ever a time when Surma was well enough to get out of bed and play with her young child? (In other words, rather than instant and severe illness, did it take a few months or years after Annie's birth for her to deteriorate to a bedridden state?)


Was Surma's conception of Annie an accident? Or did she purposefully decide to have a child? Or was it imposed upon her?

It was not an accident and it was not imposed on her

In one week, Annie has gone from being surprisingly cruel and frankly a little unlikeable to a crying and fragile child. It really shows the depth of the character and makes her much more human. I gotta know, how much of that was intentional?

it's pretty much all what I wanted from the start

Is the hospital Annie lived in as a child a part of the greater Court complex?


Do you know there is an champion called Annie "The Dark Child" in the game League of Legends? and that she has a spellbound bear as "a stuffed doll to be carried like a child's toy."! (do an image search for her picture...)

I see

Does Reynardine ever call Annie and Kat by their nicknames? Or does he still always refer to them as “Child”?

He calls Annie "child" and Kat "Katerina" or "child".