Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

45 matches for clothes.

What are Ysengrin's clothes made of? Did he make them himself?

He did not make them himself.

Do Kat & Annie share clothes? That green shirt Kat wore in the last chapter looks a lot like Annie's shirt from Chapter 33.

They do share clothes, yes

Does Shadow still need to remain in shade of some sort to stay alive?

Not really no, but he does like to be in the shade. The clothes he wears provide cover and shade for him also.

I am in love with Brinnie's outfit on the latest page! (1015) Did you use real clothes items for reference? And if you did, can you link to them so I can buy them immediately?

It's a sleeveless turtleneck top, sarong skirt and strappy boots. I wanted it to seem like the kind of clothes a confident, tough girl would wear, with a hint of the fact that she comes from a different era (being a valkyrie and all)

So if someone's clothes actually meant something to them, and felt like a part of them in a way, they'd show up in the 'astral plane' in color?

It's a bit more than that

If the clothes are gray because they're uniforms, how come Parley and Annie's clothes were gray that one time?

Because, while the Court has provided their clothes, they don't "own" them, in the same way the ex-fairies might

Going to Momo Con in best friend and I really want to cosplay as Zimmy and Gamma. What clothes do they more commonly wear-their school clothes or casual?

The clothes on this page are pretty standard for them before coming to the Court: Otherwise, they are usualy in their school uniform

So the reason clothes are all gray is because they are the school uniform?

And they were provided to the students, yes.

When Red says that she can get her own clothes, does that mean she will be making them?

No, but she will own them.

Is the teacher's clothes colorful because it's a creation from her memory? The only things that seem to have color in the ether are bodies and, well, that.

They are not conjured from her memory, no

How does the teacher lady make her clothes have color in the ether, Tom?

Pretty strange!

How often does robot wash his clothes?

Not very often.

Did more time pass than appeared to just now? If not, how did Parley change clothes so quick?

After parting from her friends, Parley went home, changed and then met the others at the hall. In the meantime, Annie and the otheres walked to the hall.

Here's a Topataco request: How about some book bags (tote bags/messenger bags, whatever they're called) with the GC logo on it. The one that the kids have on all their clothes. A great alternative for the non t-shirt type people like myself.

I would like to do tote bags too. I'm not sure what would be the best graphic for it though. Maybe the court symbol is a little too boring?

If Antimony has spent all of her time in the hospital, the Court, or the Wood, where does she get her non-uniform clothes?

She gets them from the court, like everyone else.

When did Ysengrin start wearing clothes?

after he got a tree body

I really like the way your characters seem like people wearing real people's clothes. Did you ever do any kind of research about it?

Sometimes I do if I'm going for a specific look. It also helps to look at a bunch of different clothes because I'm not a clothes designer and its a good way to get ideas

Does being in the court somehow make those symbols appear on people's clothes and possessions? In a similar way to the binding program that Anya uses on Renard?


Do Zimmy's clothes have that circle before she takes ahold of them?

they have a circle on them

What is the white circle that is always on Zimmy's clothes?

It's a white circle

Is there a reason why all of Surma's non-uniform clothes so far have been blue?

Just theaming

How come you wear clothes ?


The fact that Annie wears makeup is a spoiler with the same importance as why Zimmy has a little circle on her clothes?


Why did the men at the Court of Jeanne's time wear those goofy shirts and bowties? Was it some kind of uniform?

it's just clothes

Do shirts patterned after Coyote or Ysengrin('s clothes) sound like a good idea to you?

I would like to do mroe shirts

Oh no, those clothes Jeanne is wearing...


Why does Robot wear clothes?

Shadow hides in there, and it makes his body look a little neater since it's just bits and pieces slapped together

How does the Court (or rather, the administrators) decide how much clothes/items to give each of their students? Do they all have a set amount of money they can "spend", do they earn it through effort in class or helping like Paz does, or how?

Yeah there's probably some kind of gains/returns system in place

Are (were) you having fun with this chapter? All these characters popping in with new clothes?

Yup, I enjoyed drawing this chapter

are all those casual clothes the girls (and andrew) are wearing in this chapter also provided by the court?


Lots of artists draw women as ridiculously sexualized, especially with ridiculous poses and clothes. I like that you can draw attractive women without doing this. Not that I'm attracted to drawings, but I would describe, say, Jones as pretty.

Thank you

Did Paper Moo make her first clothes out of a milk carton or something like that?


In Chapter 11, Gamma is wearing a green shirt, but in Chapters 19 and 28 she is wearing a pink striped sweater. Is there anything to that, or did you just want to change her Birmingham clothes?

The pink/blue clothes were always her favourite, so they will show up often

What are you wearing?


It was mentioned regional fairies "come of age" when they are able to make their own clothes. Had Red & Blue reached that point, or were they still considered children according to regional-fairies custom?

They reached that age, but they didn't go through the proper ritual. That's why their clothes are so boring.

what is your favourite way of preparing a potato?

I normally just wear casual clothes.

Aren't the students allowed to wear any clothes of their own?

If they had any, then sure.

Hey Tom. Are we going to know more about the development of Parley's skills?. By the way, Jack's face thinking about tracking devices in court's clothes it's just awesome.

When Parley is back in the comic, sure.

Does anyone else in the forest wear clothes?

Sure. Not exactly human fashions, however.

Does Coyote want Ysengrin to wear clothes for any reason besides his own amusement?

That was Ysengrin's choice.

If the court provides what the students need, does that mean they have something like assigned rations for casual clothes? Or was Annie NOT wearing her clothes fashionably small during "S1" and instead wearing stuff that was a year too old for her?

the students can pick their own clothes. Annie was wearing a cropped jacket.

How does the Court function? What is their source of income? How do they buy supplies? Where do the students do shopping (for clothes, toys, makeup,etc).

They are pretty self sufficient.

I think you do a good job balancing the tone you present in the comic, because you seem to know that all ages doesn't mean it has to be flowers and sunshine all the time. To have a question: why does Robot's current body wear clothes?

Kat thought they would be pretty cool, and Robot agreed.

Is there a reason why in both the Second and Third Treatises that Kat ends up in more masculine-looking clothes while Annie is always in a dress?


I figured out that you like robots, but how does that all jive with what seems to be the great pleasure you take in drawing antique-looking dresses and other clothes, like your series of GC characters in ball gowns. Does the future have old clothes?

I have no idea what clothes the future has. But I do like big dresses. Like robots, they are something I will never see in real life.