Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

69 matches for court robot.

Is this what Kat looks like to the Court robots?

We shall see

If Zimmy sees Kat as a Giger-esque menacing insectoid robot, what do the Court robots look like to her? What do Robot and Shadow look like to Zimmy?

Depends on what robot she's looking at.

Would the court robots obey or follow Kat unconditionally?

We shall see.

What are the chances of a robot uprising in the Court?

We shalls ee

Robot seems to have become a lot more mature in the fourth volume of Gunnerkrigg Court-so much more serious! Did something happen to him that made him change so dramatically, or is it just robot...adolescence?

Just all the stuff that has been going on

If you could spend an afternoon in Gunnerkrigg Court, what would you do/where would you go?

I'd like to go to Kat's workshop and look at the robot tomb

Do most robots in the Court have gender identities? If so, what's the ratio of male to female robots?

Mostly male

seems like the Court is working towards being able to create human life (Kat trying to make Robot a human/android body) and the Forest trying to make human life (Coyote's scheming with Shadow). is that a deliberate plot thing or coincidence?

That's not really their goal, no.

Is one of the points of robot loving his good friend shadow that it is symbolic of the fact that the court and the forest can get along if they would only try?

I'm fine for you to interprate it that way

Are there any court robots who are very serious and businesslike? Most of the ones we've seen have been a bit silly.

Some of them are

It seems to me that the school-part of Gunnerkrigg Court leads directly to the bridge. o.0 Is this correct? Because I've been assuming that when Annie first builds Robot, that she never left schoolgrounds.

That's right

What do the Court robots sound like when they speak? Human-like with a tinny effect, like the Transformers or completely synthetic?

Like the Transformers but younger

Is Kat at at all aware that Robot's kind of obsessed with her? Does he make it a point to hide it?

He doesn't act too crazy around her or anything. People in the Court know that the robots are a little obsessive about things, so most of Robot's odd behaviour is usually just attributed to him being a robot. Robots.

Do all of the robots at the Court have some sort of hero worship of Kat, or is Robot the only one obsessed with her?

A lot of them admire her now, but Robot moreso than the others.

Are there actual courts in Gunnerkrigg Court? Are there police officers (not just the robots)? How does is justice applied at Gunnerkrigg Court?

The school staff deal with the students, and the Court authorities deal with the adults, if need be.

what inspired you to draw comics? and what were some influences to draw gunnerkrigg court, specifically?

I just really wanted to work on a comic and get myself drawing things that I normally wouldn't draw (i.e, characters and settings and such) and to practice writing. I just kept it going ever since. I knew I wanted the story to include myths and legends and, eventually, robots and stuff like that.

I want to describe Gunnerkrigg Court to my friends who have never read it, so that they will read it and that will make them happy. How would you best talk this comic up in a very short description such that everyone I know and love will be interested?

Something along the lines of "It's about two girls who live in a place where there are a bunch of robots, ghosts and monsters." Failing that, you can always go the Harry Potter route.

If you made a GC game, what would it be like? Could everyone make their own character and explore the Court, or would the gameplay take you through Annie's stories while you play as her? Or something else?

I guess you'd play as the main characters from the comic, Annie, Kat, Renard, Robot and them, and each would have different skills and ways of play. It's be cool if the story was a standalone plot for the game, separate from the main story, kind of like how Batman Arkham Asylum was its own story.

I think you should write about the Court's gossip rag, SLANDEROUS LIES. (They make ridiculous claims about Jones being a robot.) Also, I have it on good authority that you're slightly better at most things than you admit. For instance, life. And comics.

There is no such publication in the Court.

Where is Kat during the recent events? Still working on the robots?

she is in the Court

Does the robots gain the energy via decomposing dead bodies of the deceased court personal?


Somebody asked about the court robots never seeming to recharge, and you said "remains to be seen". Is it never shown cuz it's the equivalent of human characters eating, sleeping, using the bathroom? Just mundane and automatically assumed?

There's not been a need to go into it so far

Hey, what powers the court robots, anyway? They never seem to have to recharge.

Remains to be seen

Could they have created the robots at the court without the knowledge/help of the creatures of the forest?


Did the forest side make any attempts to get Reynardine back before Annie came to the Court?

Not really. The robot was a good opportunity

Do the human court ever build new robots, or is that solely the domain of the robots.


Do the robots basically exist as a complete unseen society parallel to the humans in the court only visible when they're given tasks?

kinda yeah

Are the Court robots unionized, or are they under general contract?

They look after themselves

After Jeanne was stricken from the records, have there been any new students in the Court with that name? I was just wondering if and what effect this would have on the robots.


Did the Court staff already know that the Tic-Tocs were robotic before Ysengrin threw the dead one on the ground during the meeting? Were they able to take notice of that fact before he crushed that one to bits?

Anja had her suspicions that they were robots, but was never able to see one up close.

Has anyone other than Diego ever attempted to have a robot model of their own design accepted by the Court robots?


> "Have the court robots ever designed a robot model not originally envisioned by Diego?" "No" Has *anyone* designed/created a new robot model since Diego's death?


Have the court robots ever designed a robot model not originally envisioned by Diego?


How aware is the Court of Kat's relationship with the robots?

They don't know the whole story.

At the moment, are new robots produced in the Court? By whom?

Yep, by the robots

So for food, the court has land to grow it and robots to tend, harvest, and prepare it. That's a pretty good setup. Is the food ironically organic?

It's food

The court's robots seem to be an organisation beyond the control of humans. Is this the case?


Do Court robots reuse the CPUs from their previous designs as they build new bodies?

Largely yes

Would the Court ever allow a robot turned android to become a student there and be otherwise integrated with the other students? Would they even allow it to exist?

The robots have their own education system

The Court robots seem to be able to feel (or at least convincingly simulate) many emotions. Are there any they can't feel?

We shall see

Where does everyone get their spiffy clothing from, in GC? It seems to be outrageously hard to get in or out. Do they have Court robots for that sort of thing, or do they just go ahead and head into the outside world anyway?

They have shop-type places

Would most other members of the Court staff consider Juliette weird for having a robot friend?

A little yeah

Is the constant and incompetent surveillance and security provided by Court robots a jab at CCTV police cameras?

Not as far as I am aware, no

Are the robots in charge of naming rooms? what with the "NO Spare Parts" closet, and the very hush hush sign for the "Large Animal Holding Cells" it seems they are trying to be helpful, even at odds with court secrecy.

They try their best.

Are the court robots powered by siphoning energy off the ether? If so, is that the reason Jack hates robots recently, because he can see the Etherium being drained into them?

uh, no

Have the Court Robots always been as "alive" as they are today? I have read posts by some people who say that Jeanne deserved what she got for killing Diego's robots.

They have always acted the same way, yes.

Is it significant that Reynard's and Ysengrin's eyes are the same color as the Court robots'?


Why do you think everyone is so emotional over the cop bot? I mean it was only around for about 5 panels.

Well I kind of spent a whole chapter recently showing that the Court robots are more than the sum of their parts.

Does anyone at the court have any sort of authority over the Robots? If not, doesn't that concern them?

No not really. The robots generally do as they are told by anyone.

Does the rest of the Court consider robots as "people", or just as servants?

It considers them as robots.

What is the human to robot percentage inhabiting the court?


Most of the court robots are not very good at their jobs, are they?

Some are.

Do all the robots at the court hate Eglamore, or is it just the laser cows? Alternatively, if they did hate someone, would that person notice or are the robots just furniture to the people?

All of them, pretty much.

Are there any Court robots not derived from Diego's original designs?

Not really. Not of the ones currently in service.

The Court was founded as a union between technology and ether, and judging by Diego's robots among other things people there used to combine them often. When did the Court start looking down on etheric technology? Are there still any classes on it?

It came about when the Court realised true technology worked independently of magic.

Was the Court not curious about how Robot wound up in the forest? Or did they think he had been there since the big split?

They figured it malfunctioned and left it up to the robot society to deal with it.

Is anyone in the court (who has not been explicitly revealed as one) a robot?

There are loads of robots in the court.

Do any of the Court robots recognize the tic toc birds as robots of a different kind?

All the Court robots realise the Tic Tocs are not one of them. That's why they think it is a mythical creature.

Do the Court robots obey orders from humans? I gather that they do, because S13 said that Annie was the first to ever give him a choice. But otherwise they seem very autonomous.

They pretty much do what they are asked all the time.

Are the robots like regular employees, reporting to (human) authorities in the court?

No, not really. No more than a lightbulb reports to the people in a room.

How much autonomy do the Court robots have?

Full autonomy.

Does Kat see Reynardine, ShadowTwo and Robot as equals to her? Annie grew up sorrounded by magic creatures, but up to their meeting the closest reference Kat had for something like Rey were cartoon talking dogs.

Kat sees Robot as just another court robot, but she knows Annie treats him like a friend, so she does too. She's grown used to Shadow 2 and Reynardine not being human and just treats them normally.

Do any humans at the Court besides Kat and Annie know Robot and Shadow2 (either personally or generally of their being at the Court)?

Not really no. They might have seen a hooded robot jumping around on the roof a few times.

What triggers the alarm when students leave the Court grounds? Robot was able to leave without setting it off.

The Court would want to know if a student left the grounds. They aren't so interested if a robot does it.

Hello Mr Siddell. Thank you for answering my questions regarding robot's arm/chap 24. Do you think two years have passed ever since Antimony has arrived at the court?

No, not quite. Almost though.

Chapter 18 is one of your strongest chapters. I mean, introducing us to the idea of court weather manipulation and giving us more details to Zimmy's curse through the lens of children sneaking out at night? Brilliance. Great storytelling.

Chapter 18 is about finding Jeanne's painting and the robots, but thanks.

If Ysengrin lost his magical tree powers, but somebody at the court made him a sweet Robot Exoskeleton that looked just like his old body, would he use it, or would crawl around for the rest of his life on principle?

He would refuse help from the Court out of principle.

If you could have any of the court robots as a robot butler or somesuch, which would it be?

I think a Model H would be nice to have, but not easy to keep in the house.

Is the outside world in GC (ie, not the court and the wood) meant to be recognizable as "our world"? Or are people there generally aware of the existence of "etheric tenets" and sentient robots?

It's basically the world as we would see it.