Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

121 matches for diego.

Is it true that like Mr. Elgamore, each role of the original Court members have passed down to the current time? If so, have we met the current counterparts to Diego and Jeanne yet? If not, have roles other than that of Mr. Elgamore been passed down?

We shall see

If Kat had lived in Diego's time, do you think her influence with the first robots would be as strong as it is now?

she would not really have had the means to connect with them in the way she does now

If it's not a spoiler, what exactly does Jonesy do for the Court? And totally unrelated to anything else, how old was Diego when he died?

Jones does various things!

Did Diego come up with the plan that killed Jeanne all on his own initiative, or was there someone else whose influence lead him to it?

He was the main guy

Why did Steadman think Diego was vile? Was it the creepy stalker thing or something else?

Steadman and Jeanne were close, so he saw firsthand how creepy Diego was

What did Steadman think of Diego?

He thought he was a vile man.

Diego referred to Jeanne's lover as "that traitor"; "traitor" is a term Ysengrin also used for the forest dwellers who chose to become human. Does this mean that Jeanne's lover used to be a human, but chose to become an elf?

Nope, he was always an elf guy!

So what would entice you to come to a con in the U.S.? If the con organizers, Archaia, or fans were able to get you airfare, hotel, special guest status, etc. would you be willing/able to come to a largish (non-San Diego) convention?

I have been to two cons in the US (SDCC and NYCC 2010) and they were both amazingly fun and I wish I could go back to a US con again. However, when I go with Archaia (as I did those times), any money I make from book sales is kept by them. I an sell sketches and prints (I can't take anything larger in my luggage), but I make barely enough to cover the travel expenses. To be frank I don't know if I will ever be able to go to a US con with books for sale again.

Do you think Diego was a bit arrogant in choosing to represent himself with an 'angelic' robot?


Is the guy with Sir Young and Diego in the foreground of panel 5 of comicID=582 the Artilleryman?


Is Kat related to Diego?


will we ever learn anything about the man who walked out of the Diego/Young meeting (in Sky Watcher and Angel chapter) in protest? is he an ancestor to any of the current characters in GC?

yes we will learn about him

When did Diego begin to feel guilt over what he did to Jeanne?

Shortly after

Was the original boxbot, created by Diego, not terrible?

It was pretty terrible

Why did Diego make/design Boxbot?

He made lots of robots

Who designed Boxbot?


Was the sacrifice of Jeanne the first truly "evil" thing Diego did?

Majorly, yes

Did the scene with Surma (with short, straight hair) and Anja discussing the Diego robots happen before or after the scene with surma (with curly long hair) flying away from Rey?


Diego suggested that the person Jeanne was in love with was a traitor. Was the elf Jeanne loved ever a human?


Thank you for visiting San Diego!

no problem. I hope I can go back one day

Was Anja the first person since Diego to discover the robot play he left behind?

She never saw the play

Is anyone currently able to reverse-engineer Diego's original robots completely?


In Diego's flashback Jeanne was afraid to go down to the waters and sounded like she was being forced to, but in The Coward Heart it was like she came up with her plan to go down covertly herself. Are we missing something from that story?


Are Kat's (and presumably Diego's) skills in regards to engineering and so on considered to be supernatural, or merely exceptional?

remains to be seen

Diego's arrow looks a lot like Annie's antimony symbol. Is this important?


Did Diego ever do anything good with his life to atone for what he did?

remains to be seen

did you enjoy NYC more than San Diego?

Yes, I think I did, but I was also able to stay in NY longer than the con, so it wasn't so hectic.

Can you tell me something cool or interesting about Diego?

he was not a nice guy

Diego's plan seems like it relied on understanding Jeanne's emotions. Was her behavior when she smashed his robots characteristic of her? (Was she known for having a huge capacity for anger?)

She was always spirited

If Jeanne had fallen for Diego, would he have cancelled/modified the plan so that she didn't have to die?

that didn't happen

Did Diego understand what the device did to Jeanne, that it trapped her spirit? Or did he just know that she died because nobody brought her back up?

That's what he designed the device for

In his later years, did Diego ever try to free Jeanne from his device's imprisonment?

No, never

Would Diego's plan have worked with anyone other than Jeanne?


Was Diego the first to discover Jeanne's relationship with the elf?


So did Diego use etheric methods when building his robots or is Kat just not able to understand the science?

remains to be seen

To the nearest third-century or so (e.g. "mid-17th", "late 18th"), when did Jeanne and Diego and the other Court founders live?

It was a while back

I see you're going to make me rephrase. Was there a specific reason that Diego said Jeanne was the only one who could be the sacrifice, other than spite?


When Diego said that Jeanne must be the sacrifice because it will only work with her, did he lie out of spite, or was this actually true for some specific reason?


Was Diego the first at the court to learn how to combine etheric energy and technology?


Why was the portrait of Jeanne made? Was she a particularly important person in the court?

It was just a portrait Diego stole before it was destroyed

Did Diego suggest that Jeanne be lowered into the ravine so she could get to her lover, because he loved her and wanted her to be happy, and didn't know what was going to happen?


Did Diego ever, out of guilt, consider going down to the Annan Waters after Jeanne became a ghost?


In comic 560 (third treatise), is the creepy shadow Diego?


Which guide came to pick up Diego?

Some Spanish/Catholic one I guess

Why Diego love Jeanne? Is he just one of those creepy guys that falls in love with pretty girls around him (despite little or no encouragement from the lady)? Or were they friends and he just wanted more? Or does it rtbs?


Has anyone other than Diego ever attempted to have a robot model of their own design accepted by the Court robots?


> "Have the court robots ever designed a robot model not originally envisioned by Diego?" "No" Has *anyone* designed/created a new robot model since Diego's death?


Tom, why do people look down on me for being a Diego/Steadman/Young supporter?

Becuase they would appear to be the bad guys.

Have the court robots ever designed a robot model not originally envisioned by Diego?


Kat mentioned that the robots in Diego's lab looked like more sophisticated versions of modern robots. Did the robots simplify Diego's designs once he was no longer available to guide them?


Did Jeanne agreeing to meet up with Greenguy take place after where she talked to Diego about going into the ravine in Ch.25?


Did Jeanne have any reason to suspect that anyone but Diego might have something against her lover or their relationship?

She knew of only one person who could make a shot like that with a bow and arrow, and who it would take to arrange the whole thing.

How much older than Jeanne is Diego? It seems like decades, and that's extra creepy.

He's a fair bit older than her yes

Will we find out why Diego called Jeanne's lover a traitor (if it's important)?

Not important right now

Were Jeanne and Diego childhood acquaintances?

sorta (she is a lot younger than him)

Is Diego's last name Donlan?


"Who fell in love with Jeanne first, Diego or green elf dude? Diego, technically." does that mean "green elf dude" never fell in love with Jeanne at all?

No, green guy loved her. But Diego saw her first.

on page 662, whose hands are holding Diego's picture? They look like they might be the Robot King's.

They were a robot's

Why does Diego call Jeanne's lover a traitor? Is he a former human who took the test?


Who fell in love with Jeanne first, Diego or green elf dude?

Diego, technically.

Diego told Jeanne that he loved her and kept making those little robot things for her...but seriously, how could he think he could compete with a totally buff, sexy elf-guy?

He didn't think he'd have to, once they were separated

Did Diego program the robots to hate Young and his successors, or did they do that on their own after he spoke his last words?


If green dude is Jeanne's lover, then why does Diego hate Sir Young so much? (His build didn't fit the guy who would "have none of this abhorrent plan" in the Skywatcher arc.)

Diego convinced himself that Young forced him to come up with the plan to kill Jeanne

Was it Diego's idea to separate the court and the forest?


Did Jeanne ever suspect that Diego would do anything to harm her?

not really

Does Jeanne see auras around people (like red around Diego), or is that just a visual metaphor?

the latter

Your outlook has seemed to really improve since the San Diego comic con. How has it helped you?

It showed me that people can make a living doing what they love and I met some really great people

Did the arrow block Jeanne blocked from enjoying these memories when she isn't touching Parley? If so, Diego is a big turd-hole. I hope he regrets it his entire miserable life. Oh wait...

Remains to be seen

Why would Diego the mechanic guy have thought of the Jeanne ghost spell thing, it seems outside his area of expertise.

Remains to be seen

So did Diego invent it or was it an older ritual?

Diego made it

Is it a plot spoiler to ask if Diego completely invented whatever they did to Jeanne of if it's some older ritual?


Wait, when asked if Diego regretted making Boxbot, you said "he denied ir". Assuming ir is a misspelling of her, is Boxbot a girl?!

It's a misspelling of "it".

Did Diego realize his terrible mistake after constructing the original Boxbot?

He denied ir

Is Jeanne an ancestor of Annie? And Diego of Kat?


Have we met yet the "traitor" Diego was talking about?


Did Diego know the matador robot was recording the scenes he brought him to?


Had Jeanne and Diego ever fought before the day she smashed his robots?

Not really.

Is Diego as bad a man as we're led to believe or are we missing out on something?

Remains to be seen

in the period between jeanne's death and his own, did diego build any more robots besides the seraph series?

Yes, many

Why did Jeanne hate Diego? Sure he's not the greatest of dudes but he's hardly THAT bad.

she didn't hate him (at first), but she didn't like him

Any details on where you'll be at Comic Con in San Diego? I'd like to get my Orientation book signed.

I should be at the Archaia booth (2635) on thursday, Friday and Saturday, but I don't know what times specifically!

You've mentioned that you're going to be attending the San Diego Comic Con. Any ideas where you'll be situated? My friend is going and I'd asked him to see about getting my book signed.

I should be at the Archaia booth (2635) on thursday, Friday and Saturday, but I don't know what times specifically!

Is Kat throwing away Diego's drawing because she knows he's not a nice man, or because she doesn't understand it, or both, or some other reason?

Cliffs Notes for the chapter will be released when it's finished.

will you be at san diego comic con?

Yes I will be at the Archaia booth.

Le ofrecería mi casa a ud. si viviera en San Diego Tal vez hay alguien así en San Diego, solamente necesita pedir. ¿Traduciría su historieta por sí mismo de todos modos después de terminarla si no hubiera una traducción hecho por los aficionados?

I think I'd only do a translation if it was published in that language, and it would be better done by a professional.

Diego's eyes on his deathbed looked a bit like Zimmy's. I feel a bit silly for asking, since it's almost certainly a coincidence, but...well, /is/ it a coincidence, or is there some kind of link there?

it's just how I drew them

Have the Court Robots always been as "alive" as they are today? I have read posts by some people who say that Jeanne deserved what she got for killing Diego's robots.

They have always acted the same way, yes.

What were Diego's main character flaws (including, but not limited to, those that resulted in him agreeing to the murder of the woman who dumped him)?

He wasn't a great guy.

What were Diego's main character flaws (including, but not limited to, those that resulted in him agreeing to the murder of the woman who dumped him)?

He wasn't a great guy.

Was Robox made by Diego? Even he didn't, was it built to make up for Boxbot's terribleness?


Why would Diego even create something like Boxbot?

He wasn't the greatest of dudes.

In Diego's fixed robot fight, the bull certainly seems to be modeled after Sir Young; is the Seraph robot that kills it modeled after anyone?


Did Reynardine ever meet Diego? I've never been sure if his commentary on the painting is based on him interpreting the paintings or personal experience.

No, he never met him.

Man, how could Diego bring himself to build such a terrible robot?

He wasn't the greatest guy.

But, you see, Boston is not a on the west coast near Los Angeles, and is thus unacceptable. Dunno how possible San Diego Comiccon is for you to get a table at but if you want to meet other webcomic guys that's a super good place.

SDCC would be the one con I would choose if I could. I think Archaia has a table there each year too, so I'd just have to find somewhere to stay and get a flight. I'm seriously considering it.

Are there any Court robots not derived from Diego's original designs?

Not really. Not of the ones currently in service.

The West Coast is better, especially near San Diego. Perfect weather all year long. Sunny with highs in the 60s in 70s. I've heard they have a big con over there too. For a question, if I enjoy Gunnerkrigg, what's another webcomic I'd like?

Rice Boy, perhaps? I hear people who like the comic also like Girl Genius too.

Has any human in the Court independently duplicated Diego's work in robotics?


The Court was founded as a union between technology and ether, and judging by Diego's robots among other things people there used to combine them often. When did the Court start looking down on etheric technology? Are there still any classes on it?

It came about when the Court realised true technology worked independently of magic.

Did Kat design Robot's new body along the lines of Diego's old robots, or did she make him more like the newer generations of robots?

He's more like the current generation of robots, and his body is basically made up from spare parts again.

Did Kat ever talk with her parents about the robots in Jeanne's tomb?

Yup, but not about the stuff the found out from Diego's recording.

Are you interested in meeting your fans face-to-face ever? Like, say, at San Diego Comic Con?

Sure, I'd love to. I don't exactly get a chance to talk to people who have read my comic.

Why did Diego keep bringing that little robot around everywhere with him?

He kept it around as a reminder.

So, why didn't the laser cows cut the grass around the monument?

Because it was a monument to Sir Young, whom their creator, Diego, hated very much.

When did Diego start building robots that could build robots?

After he died the robots figured it out on their own.

Did Diego make any robots that could fly? We haven't seen any, since the tic-toc was not actually created by him.

Yes he did. Sky Watcher, for example.

Besides guys like Ysengrinn, Mr. Thorn or Diego; are there characters that you think you wouldn't like much if you met them in person, but that are important to how you have planned your stories?

I bet I wouldn't like coyote much.

Has Kat told her parents what she learned about Jeanne and Diego?


Did Diego ever really love Jeanne?

In his own way. He was infatuated with her.

Are you interested in bullfighting? How about Diego?

Nope. Diego enjoyed it though.

So Diego created all the robots, but not the Tic Tocs? Will we ever find out who did create them?


When we saw Diego's last moments, he took off his glasses for first time. Are those the eyes of a tired old man, or are those the same kind of eyes Zimmy has?

The eyes of a tired old man.

Does Anja know that Kat was able to make Diego's robots move?

She was only able to make S1 move, but yeah, she knows about it.

What was the bow and arrow thing Diego made? When do we find out?

That remains to be seen.

I think you have a knack for creating characters--like Zimmy, Diego, and Ysengrin--who are twisted yet also fascinating and at times intensely pitiable. They linger in my mind, and make your comic so interesting. Thank you for creating them.

Thank you.

When you say Jeanne was "wiped out" from memory, it seemed like you might have meant more than just recorded memory. She wasn't literally erased from people's minds, was she? (If so, how does Diego remember her?)

She was wiped out of all records, and all people that knew about her eventually died, so she was wiped from memory too, over time.

Gunnerkrigg seems fairly established (and sprawling) since the Diego story arc. Is the Forest still even considered a threat? Or just something to study (and guard against)? The current dean seemed pretty bored with their ambassadors.

Most of the Court don't pay too much mind to the forest.

Was the Court/Forrest exchange arrangement (humans-to-animals and vice versa) in place before the period of the Jeanne & Diego flashback scene, or instituted after?

It was established after.

Can you tell us how much time has passed between the events of Diego and Jeanne's time and current day? Or would revealing this be a spoiler?

I can't really give an accurate date. Just a long time.

Will we see more of the Court, circa Jeanne, Diego, et al?


Will you be making an appearance at San Diego Comic Con this year?

Highly doubtful.