Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

7 matches for does shadow have a shadow.

Does Shadow 2 have any kind of powers as a shadow man? Can he control shadows, or move objects through their shadows?

We shall see

Does Shadow still have a crush on Kat, or is it hero-worship more than anything else?

I don't remember him having a crush on her

Does Shadow have a shadow?

Yes he does

Is it Randy that gave Jones the sweets? Also, does Shadow have a mouth or does he absorb the candy into his face where a mouth would normally be? Cause that would be pretty cool, I think.

Nah, he has a mouth. He has basically human physiology now.

Does Shadow have a low pitched voice, or a higher one? Like, would he be a Tenor, a Baritone, or a Bass?

He sounds a little like Annie and Kat talking at the same time.

In today's page, does Antimony's ætheric eavesdropping prevent her body benefitting fully from sleep? Also, it seems that non-human ætheric shadows have designs, but human ones don't: is this so, and is it significant?

Annie is not quite asleep, she just has her eyes closed. Some beings or people have patterns on their etheric forms, but some dont. Depends how good they are at it. Bud is s a particularly strong psychic, for example.

Does Annie have a favorite video game? If so, what game is it?

She was very impressed by Shadow Of The Colossus. As was Reynardine.