Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

23 matches for elemental.

So does zimmy see Annie as some variant of a fire elemental then?

We shall see

Is Annie descended from some sort of royalty among fire elementals? I only ask because the drawings of fire elementals shown so far seem to have small crowns on their heads.

Nope, no royalty. The flame symbol is just their representation

In your comic, are the elementals divided in the classic categories: earth, water, air, and fire? Are there any elementals left?

There are a bunch of other categories too, yes.

Are Annie's flame power unique to fire elementals, or could anyone with a blinker stone create them?

Not everyone uses blinker stones in the same way, but fire is a simple trick.

When you said Annie would be weaker if Surma had died before transferring all of her spirit, what does that refer to? Her health, her elemental powers, both? Something else as well?

It refers to her being weaker

In regards to the fire elemental Annie descended from: was it still a fire elemental at the time or had it taken the test and become human?

No, it was a normal fire elemental

Assuming that most of Annie's ancestors are human, does that mean that the fire elemental power in her family weakens with each passing generation? Could it ever weaken to the extent that mothers no longer die due to having children?

Nope, it doesn't get weaker. Just harder to find.

Presumably Surma was placed in Chester because of her fire-elemental heritage, but was changed to Queslett because she was "mostly human". If Surma's mother came to the court, would she have eventually ended up in Queslett too? Her grandmother? ect.

This has not happened or been shown.

If Annie has the spirit of a fire elemental or something why isn't she in Foley as well?

Because she is mostly human.

When you say fairies, do you mean all supernatural beings (e.g. elementals), rather than just regional fairies? Well, assuming there are any in the woods, of course.

Regarding what?

Do the markings on the ex-fairies' faces seen while in the ether (Blue and the student with purple hair) have special significance? An elemental connection, perhaps? Grand comic BTW.

Sometimes fairies keep their markings, or similar ones when they pass over. It's an easy way to spot one.

Do the fire elementals that Annie is descended from still exist at the time the story is taking place?

Yeah, there are still some around

For flame elementals does the power dilute more over each generation? What would happen if a mother were to have twins?

It doesn't dilute if it's kept between the fire people

"For the flame elementals, if both in the pairing were flame elementals, would the mother still die after having a child, or is that a thing that is solely related to elemental - human pairing?" So the number of elementals never inceases?

It's a little strange

For the flame elementals, if both in the pairing were flame elementals, would the mother still die after having a child, or is that a thing that is solely related to elemental - human pairing?

It's the same for the elementals, yeah

Do any fire elementals still live in the forest? Or did they all die out? (sorry if this is a spoiler)

None currently live in the forest

I don't know if this is a question that will be answered in a future page, but how did Annie's ancestors have relations with a fire elemental and not burn up (or burn up their privates)? Can fire elementals put themselves out so to speak temporarily?

There is a short story on that very subject that I would like to do.

Assuming it gets more 'diluted' (for lack of a better term) with each child, would the fire elemental 'blood' (ditto) ever become so thin that the mother wouldn't die?


Zimmy once said that Ann has the same calming effect as Gamma, if a little weaker. Is this due to her being part elemental or having ethereal abilities? Could Jack have a similar effect?

It s a little of both. Right now, being near Jack hasn't seemed to have heped Zimmy in any way.

Does every fire elemental look exactly like their mother, or is that just in Annie's case?

No, they don't all look exactly like their mothers

Ooh, I like the name Imogen. It should be Antimony's middle name. Thinking of names (how Antimony looks like 'Anthony' and sort of means 'Stibnite') led me to wonder whether the fire-elemental thing resulted in all the descendants being female.

Partly. On the biological side it made more sense for the mother's spirit to be passed on since it happens during pregnancy.

When you say the hospital people knew "the situation with the Carver family," do you mean the whole fire elemental thing, or just the "Mum is dying, it would be cruel to separate her from her child" part?

The latter

Is Jones a Golem, or an Elemental? The weight, the connection to the spiritual world, the neutrality...
