Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

18 matches for lock or lockpick.

Why did a bunch of metal things shoot out of the toy when Rey jumped into it? Is there metal in the toy?

Yes, the lockpicks that Annie kept in the toy are made out of metal.

Could Renard also "lock" Annie in the ether by holding her blinker stone?

Only if he knew the trick. It involves more than holding the stone

Has Reynardine gotten better at picking locks?


So Renard is able to alter the shape and size of the lockpicks to some extent, like he does with the plushie's body itself?


Is Reynardine capable of fighting in his wolf form, or does its plushiness make the body unfit for it?

He can fight if he wishes. He uses the lockpicks in his body to form a bone stucture that allows him to support weight.

Couldn’t Annie have put the blinker stone in a see-through container with a lock and a key attached, thrown it, then pushed it off the cliff. She wouldn’t technically be touching it and if she wanted to bring it back, she could just unlock the container.

There are a million ways she could have got the stone over the cliff.

Does Reynardine consider it an upgrade to be able to shapeshift and extend lockpicks from his body, or would he prefer his original body even if it meant losing those powers?

He'd like his original body back

How did you learn lockpicking?

I was researching it for the comic and I saw lockpick sets were cheap and easily available online so I thought why the ef not.

Has there ever been an occasion where your knowledge of picking locks got you out of a jam, or alternatively, an occasion where that knowledge would have gotten you out of a jam if you'd had your lockpicks with you?


Do you know how to pick locks?


Did Annie learn about RFID from Kat?

She knows about locks.

Did Annie learn about RFID from Kat?

She knows about locks.

Is there a reason Surma taught Annie how to pick locks?

So she could get through doors that she otherwise couldn't.

Is Reynardine able to repair damage to his body, similar to how he can seal his arm back up after using the lock picks?

In that case he unthreaded his hand and threaded it back up again. If his skin got torn he'd have to patch it up with needle and thread.

Wait a second, you mean that making a major character a plush toy wasn't part of a very sneaky plan to sell plush toys with lock-picking equipment inside of them? If not, you need to accidentally get a job in marketing.

I think making a plush toy would be pretty difficult. Vinyl figures might be easier to start off with if I'm going to try making a toy.

Do you know how to pick locks? From practical experience?


What would Coyote think of Antimony teaching Renard to pick locks?

He would think it was pretty funny, but kind of unnecessary.

I remember reading on the forums that Surma gave Annie her lockpicks. Did her dad know about them at all?

Yeah he knew about them.