Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

6 matches for places like court.

Are there any other facilities in the world like the Court? (in the comic world, not the real world)

Not like Gunnerkrigg, but there are other places where stuff happens, yeah.

Where do you like to go when you want inspiration? Is there anywhere in England that reminds you of places in the Court?

I pretty much just stay in my room with the computer, or go to work. There isn't much scope to do anything else

Does the rain at the Court have a stronger effect on Zimmy than rain in other places? Would rain from a place like the forest be best?

It's pretty much the same

Are there more places other than Gunnerkigg Court and the Forest? Like another country?


Is Gunnerkrigg Court meant to be unique (an institution that studies etheric sciences), or are there more places like it around the world?

There might be other places that dabble in the same areas, but Gunnerkrigg is unique.

Are the other institutions in the GKC universe that are aware of, and study, "magic"?

There might be, but there are no other places like the Court.