Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

59 matches for planned.

Did Winsbury's character develop differently to how you'd originally planned?

Not really.

Would you ever do a comic entirely in Spanish?

Yep, I have one planned.

Was the architecture and layout of the Court planned out ahead (when the ''Seed Bismuth'' was created), is it random, or is it somehow planned while ''growing''?

I'll probably get into that in the story

Just how many short stories do you currently have planned out? And how many are just ideas?

A couple (or three) that are fully fleshed out and I could start working on them tomorrow, if I had the time. Many that are ideas, and some are just notions.

How did you go about writing the series? Did you have everything planned at the very beginning or are you making things up as you go along? And to what degree?

I had the main outline decided near the start, after I began drawing it and finding my feet with the first chapter. After that I add or cut stuff along the way that I think will help the story and keep to the original outline.

Which way would you prefer to have your planned GC short stories appear in print, assuming you are able to make them: 1. Together as part of a companion anthology; or 2. One or two in each volume of the main comic?

I would want to make a separate anthology and print it myself. It's the only way I'd get money for it.

I have but one question: How...How on Earth could a human produce offspring with a living flame?

If ever I get the chance to draw the short story I have planned about it, we will find out.

I am glad you write Gunnerkrigg Court, it is such a beatiful thing to read. Question: How much in advance do you plan the storylines? Have you planned through to where you see an ending?

I just have a general idea of the story as a whole. As events draw nearer I have a clearer view of them and plan them as I need to. I do know how the whole thing will end, and the series of events that will lead up to the ending.

That picture of young Paz makes me super curious about her backstory. Should I wait and hope it comes up in the comic, or would it be cool to ask what I'm wondering?

I want to do a short story comic with Paz, but first I would have to have the time to do it. It's all planned out and everything. Otherwise, her childhood (before she went to the Court) is pretty normal for a young girl in Galicia who can talk to animals.

Was closing your formspring a while ago something you had planned on, or more of a spur-of-the-moment thing? Also, will you do it again if some people don't stop treating it like a forum/complaints department?

I wasn't feeling too great at the time.

Anything special planned when you hit the 1000 page? i assume you haven't reached it buffer wise it being 60+ pages away

I plan to work on page 1001

Will Annie join the Court newspaper then go about chronicling her "adventures" and wearing a costume to hide her identity (ala just some normal glasses) Kat will be a sidekick of some sort with a bird name perhaps..Bluejay

Nah. I had originally planned for a chapter/character that would have dealt with a school newspaper the kids put together, but in the end it didn't really fit anywhere.

Do you have a definite ending planned for Gunnerkrigg Court?


"there will be more story arcs, and the comic will end when they are all resolved" Do you have these arcs planned out already? If so, how much more Gunnerkrigg can we expect to see? Also, thank you so much for creating this comic.

I do have more story arcs planned, but I do not know how long the comic will be

Why had Annie and Jack planned the meeting?

they don't really know

Was this meeting planned between Jack and Annie?


Do you plan on ever doing a ustream again?

I want to, but I've not planned to

Have you planned out how the comic will end?


When you make your comics, do you have everything planned in detail or just let the plot flow on it's own?


How did the Court know that Jeanne planned to meet with her lover three hours past midnight? Did they intercept her letter?

remains to be seen

What is one of your favorite parts of the Gunnerkrigg Universe that came about during the course of the comic, and was not planned from the outset? A character, or a situation, or a bit of folklore, etc.

I thought some of the stuff with the robots was pretty cool

Gunnerkrigg Court seems to have a very detailed plot. How long did it take you to write the story (in case you have everything planned out already)?

The overarching plot is outlined, but I decide what happens chapter by chapter in detail when I work on them.

how much did you have planned on advance when you started writing the comic?


Upon rereading, I discovered that Shadow 2 was afraid of Jeanne on page 6. It was something that I barely even paid attention to before, but made me snap my fingers and say “I can’t believe I missed that!” now. You really had this all planned out. Amazing


Did you plan Jeanne's character early on, or did the plot call for her role as you were building it?

I planned her early on

Are Annie's detentions normal detentions, or did Jones have something else planned for her in the way of punishment?

Jones was getting her to do some extra work.

Did you start GC with just a concept, or do you have it planned out to the end?


How far ahead do you write your story? Is all of Gunnerkrigg's plot planned out from beginning to end?

No it's not. I usually work a few chapters ahead, but the outline for the entire comic is in my head in no concrete form.

Do you have anything planned for when you reach 1000 pages, other than drawing more comics?

Other than going on to the 1001st page, no

When you first started Gunnerkrigg, did you already more or less have the story planned out, or was it something that evolved later on?

The story evolved as it went on, but after the first chapter I had a general idea.

Do you have a definitive end planned out for the comic?

Kind of yes

Have you had Gunnerkrigg planned from the start, or do you sort of just play with ideas as you go?


Have you had Gunnerkrigg planned from the start, or do you sort of just play with ideas as you go?


(Not a meme, I swear) Jack's trap has a lot of your readers worried. Is our response going just as you planned?


Was Jack's characterization something you had worked out in advance, or did he end up being crazier than you had originally intended?

It's pretty much what I planned.

When you started GC, did you have the entire story planned out, or did you make up some of it as you went along?


When you started GC, did you have the entire story planned out, or did you make up some of it as you went along?


When you started GC, did you have the entire story planned out, or did you make up some of it as you went along?


Do you have the entire Gunnerkrigg story all planned out or do you make it up as you go along?

It's not all planned out but I do have a general outline.

do you have an ending planned?


I am very glad that you had such a good time at the con. Do you have any cons planned in the future?

No, but I would like to go to another one. I'll definitely do the Thing next year, but I'd also love to go to one in the US.

Do you have a planned ending to Gunnerkrigg Court? If so, how long do we have before it happens?

I do have an ending in mind, but I don't know when I'm going to get to it.

You say you have an ending planned for the comic, but does it seek to actually resolve some sort of big issue, or is it simply a tying of loose ends, so that the mysteries are explained but no big change occurs?

Give me a minute to type up the ending to the comic and I'll email it to you.

Besides guys like Ysengrinn, Mr. Thorn or Diego; are there characters that you think you wouldn't like much if you met them in person, but that are important to how you have planned your stories?

I bet I wouldn't like coyote much.

Did Reynardine have an elaborate reveal planned in the science fair chapter?

Kind of.

Have you actually scripted the ending, or do you have it locked up inside your head?

It's not scripted in any fashion. Just planned out in my head.

I'd like to know more about your process in creating characters. Do you have a background planned out first before drafting designs or do you tinker around with body shapes then come up with their personalities?

When I come to designing characters it tends to happen right at the last minute. Probably not the best way of doing it, but I just draw whateer I fancy at the time. It's really only the main cast I designed before using them.

I'd really like to know: Do you have a seven year story arc planned? (That's seven in-story years, i.e. yr7-13 in school... I went to a British school too). Thanks, Tom!

I don't know if it will last the entire school career, or longer.

How much of the story as we know it (this means not counting the buffer or currently planned chapters) was planned from the beginning (or near the beginning)?

All the main points were planned from the start, or near enough, but a lot of the infer details evolved and changed along the way.

So, do you have a plot planned out postghost/coyote?


Do you have a definite ending planned for Gunnerkrigg, or are you just going wherever the story takes you?

I have an ending in mind, but I will still let the story take me where it wants.

Is the current plot of Gunnerkrigg similar to how you originally planned the story, or has it changed a lot while you've been in the process of doing it?

It is very similar, yes, but I didn't know what my comic would be like in the future when I started drawing it. This is what I was hoping by only keeping an outline of future events. It gave me the freedom to change things around when I came to them.

What do you have planned for your next summer hiatus?

Not sure right now.

Do you already have an ending planned? Have you written the entire story?

Yes I have an ending in mind, but the entire story is not written.

Have you made any real major changes in the story of GC since you started it? Divergences from your original planned story, I mean.

A few changes here and there, but it has largely worked out as I intended.

How much of the story have you planned already ? Is it all written in small notebooks, or is everything deeply buried in your mind ? If you answer "notebooks", please include your home adress so i can come over and read everything in advance.

There are outlines here and there, but the main thread of the story is still being worked out in my head.

Do you have a comic planned after GC ends?


Do you have a planned ending to Gunnerkrigg?


How long do you have Gunnerkrig planned out for?

A couple chapters in detail, a few years in outline.