Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

9 matches for traitor.

So if Steadman was Jeanne's friend initially, is there a reason he allowed her to be used as the sacrifice? Did he consider her a traitor to the Court because of her relationship with the green man?

I'd hope there was a good enough reason! At least in his mind.

Diego referred to Jeanne's lover as "that traitor"; "traitor" is a term Ysengrin also used for the forest dwellers who chose to become human. Does this mean that Jeanne's lover used to be a human, but chose to become an elf?

Nope, he was always an elf guy!

Diego suggested that the person Jeanne was in love with was a traitor. Was the elf Jeanne loved ever a human?


Will we find out why Diego called Jeanne's lover a traitor (if it's important)?

Not important right now

Why does Diego call Jeanne's lover a traitor? Is he a former human who took the test?


If coyote considers forest creatures that want to turn human traitors, why did he assist Red and Blue with this goal? Did he already consider them irredeemable?

He was hungry (also other reasons)

Ysengrin believes forest creatures who become human are "traitors." What does he think of humans who become forest creatures?

He wouldn't trust them too much, but would appreciate that they saw the error of their ways

Have we met yet the "traitor" Diego was talking about?


Are the remnant characteristics from the transfer minor enough to go unnoticed by normal people? Are the remnants related to Ysengrin considering them traitors, since the reverse transfer appears to be 100%?

It really depends on the person/animal