Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

90 matches for we shall see.

Is The Wandering Eye a piece of the ether that is reborn into a new body but retains its memory?

We shall see

Is Ysengrin losing his mind, or just hot-tempered? Or both?

We shall see

What does Jones look like in the Ether?

We shall see

does Annies father love her?

We shall see

On a scale of 1 to 10, how serious is coyote being right now???

we shall see

Your comic has gotten me very interested in psychopomps. Do you have a personal favorite mythological figure associated with guiding the dead? Mine is Ogmios, from Celtic mythology. Are we going to see more psychopomps that we haven't seen before? Thanks!

We shall see!

Is Jones human?

We shall see

Will Zimmy breaking Annie's mask in Zimmy-o-vision have future consequences for Annie?

We shall see.

Wait, just realized... Now that those jabronies pulled Annie away from her blinker stone... Is she always not attached to it? Can she detach herself, and get away from Jeanne, for instance?

We shall see

Shall we see?


So does zimmy see Annie as some variant of a fire elemental then?

We shall see

Zimmie (Zeta) is English, and Gamma is Polish, so why do both of them have names that are letters of the Greek alphabet?

We shall see, perhaps

Is this what Kat looks like to the Court robots?

We shall see

Is the way that Zimmy sees Kat (and some others, presumably) at all related to which psychopomp will eventually take her to the afterlife?

We shall see

Would the court robots obey or follow Kat unconditionally?

We shall see.

What else borders the court, if it is not all surrounded by the forest?

We shall see

Did Reynardine truly attempt to possess Annie?

We shall see

What's the next grand adventure for Dr. Disaster, SAVIOR OF THE UNIVERSE?

We shall see

Is Jones some sort of golem?

We shall see

When you say "We shall see", do you really mean it (i.e. the question pertains to something that will be addressed later in the comic)?

Yep, usually

Does the Court sell its technology to outside world, and how prevalent it is there? Would such trade be secret or public?

We shall see

Re: atheists and psychopomps, is that something that'll ever be addressed in the comic? Not specifically about atheists, I'm just curious about whether we'll learn more about how various people come to fall under a psychopomp's jurisdiction.

We shall see

Is it true that like Mr. Elgamore, each role of the original Court members have passed down to the current time? If so, have we met the current counterparts to Diego and Jeanne yet? If not, have roles other than that of Mr. Elgamore been passed down?

We shall see

since it appears all myths are true to some extent in the Gunnerverse, how do you reconcile contradicting mythologies? for instance, the christian god verses the great spirit Coyote mentioned ?

We shall see

Is pure luck or something more that Zimmy happened to meet a person with abilities apparently tailor-made to help her? I asked this before but I forgot your answer ;(

We shall see

Would you call Jones a morally strong individual?

We shall see

You seem to be answering a lot of questions with "We shall see". Is this...A CLUE?

We shall see

Will we ever get to the bottom of Zimmy or will it be a mystery even when the story is wrapped up?

We shall see

Could Mort or Jeanne possess someone?

We shall see

Shall we see?


What happens to a psychopomp when whatever culture/religion it's from dies out and there isn't anyone left in it's 'jurisdiction'?

We shall see

"first"? I hope you are being humourous. Because that was quite funny. If not, quite sad.

We shall see.

Tom, I love you and your work very much, but if you answer one more of my questions with "We Shall See" I may have to destroy you.

I see.

Because Surma's essence was given to Annie, does Surma's soul, spirit, whatever no longer exist?

We shall see

Is Coyote absolutely omniscient? Does he know Everything: past, future, thoughts, etc., or is he just very, very wise?

We shall see

Why is Ysengrin referred to as "General"? Was there some kind of war?

We shall see

Do the higher-ups of the Court recognize the fact that Jones has no real dedication to the Court and remains relatively neutral?

We shall see.

Why was Coyote so concerned with Ysengrin and the people of the Forest learning he had given Annie one of his teeth?

We shall see

Does Shadow 2 have any kind of powers as a shadow man? Can he control shadows, or move objects through their shadows?

We shall see

Are we going to see any scenes from Annie's summer in the forest? I imagine quite a bit happened there.

We shall see

Is Jones capable of showing emotion, and simply chooses not too? Or is she an emotional void?

We shall see

Is Annie and Kat's relationship going to get worse before it gets better?

We shall have to see

Kat seems to have changed from a princess to a tomboy over the years. Is she still crushing on Eglamore?

We shall see

Please tell us we'll be seeing more of City Face in the comic!

We shall see

Is Mrs. Donlan aware that Annie is cheating in class? If so, why hasn't she confronted Annie about it?

We shall see

Is the coyote tooth sword in any way connected to the energy-sword type weapons used by Eglamore and Thorn as Dragonslayers?

We shall have to see

Does Jones have an ulterior motive in training Parley (parlez?) and Smitty, if it's so certain (if it is indeed certain) that Antimony will be the next medium?

We shall have to see.

Will we be seeing more of emotional Tony in the future? It's kind of surreal...

We shall see.

Will the seeds from chapter 14 page 29 be making a reappearance. They seemed pretty important, but no one's mentioned them.

we shall still see

Are those seeds from chapter 14 page 29 going to show up again. It seems like they are pretty important.

we shall see

Way to go tom, you are well on your way to toping the emotional chapter 31.

We shall see

Is Anthony's superpower the ability to be a huge jerk and be hated by absolutely everyone except for Surma?

We shall see!

Does Dr. Carver love his daughter?

We shall see.

Is this chapter about Gunnerkrigg Court in SPACE? Gunnerkrigg Court and space are two of my favorite things!

We shall see.

Does Jones herself understand what she is any better than others do? (Might sound silly, but I could see it not being the case. Like trying to understand being Tigger when he's the only one.)

We shall have to see

How was the relationship of Anthony and Surma when they were young?

we shall have to see

Is Surma meant to be a likable character? Cause she seems like she was kind of a jerk.

We shall have to see.

Is it possible for a normal human to kill / seriously harm Jones?

Maybe we shall see

Everything you do may, in the end, be useless. However, by that same logic, everything Shakespeare ever did was worthless. One day, everything humans have created or done may be worthless. Does that mean it's meaningless or unimportant? I would argue no.

We shall see.

-Is the man Renard possessed to gain Surma's affections somebody important to the story, or was he just a red shirt?

We shall have to see

Is it luck or something else that Zimmy just happened upon the one person who could make her life somewhat tolerable? On that note, would Gamma's ability have other applications other than soothing Zimmy?

We shall have to see

Is Jones capable of feeling happy? Any emotion at all?

we shall have to see

Is the Bismuth Seed related to the Tic-tocs, considering that buried Tic-tocs seem to have a similar kind of effect?

We shall have to see

This may have already been asked, but does Jones have any sort of etheric presence? We already know she can't use a blinker stone, so would she just appear gray in the ether?

We shall have to see

Can't the ex-fairy teacher tell that her students are disengaging from their bodies?

we shall see

Did the boy above Annie used to be a badger??? I really hope he did.

We shall see

This has probably been asked but will you ever show us (the audience) what Annie's life in the forest was like? On a different note, will we ever know what Jones is or will you just keep that information to yourself until we all go mad?

We shall have to see

Are the Foley kids actually understanding what the teacher is saying? Is it a result of their forest upbringings?

We shall see

Does Jones have emotions? If so, does she ever act on the emotions or does she treat everyone the same regardless of her opinion of them?

We shall see

When you answer a plot-related question with "we shall see", do you mean that the audience will need to wait, or that it's a detail you haven't decided whether to include yet?

It means we shall see.

Is Kat a lesbian?

We shall see.

Do shadow people eat? Will Shadow 2 have to eat more now that he is more solid?

We shall see.

Do the glass-eyed men need to eat? If so, how do they eat?

We shall have to see

Couldn't Shadow just use his own shadow on the floor to go back to 2D?

We shall see

Woahwoahwoahwoah... Did the sword grant shadow 3-dimensional powers, or is he just that concerned about robot?

we shall have to see

It'd be sick if now Shadow2 could exist on his on basis, using his own shadow and being his own shadow! He needs to be attached to a shadow, and because of the tooth, he now kinda' is... So he exists because he exists because he exists... Plausible?

We shall have to see

Taking down that Frankenstein-esque robot and besting Parley in swordsplay... sheesh. how and where did Robot learn to fight?

We shall see

You said Gamma's powers were stronger than Annie's, but what are Gamma's powers, other than calming Zimmy? Can she see see psychopomps and ghosts as well, or what?

We shall have to see

I continue to really enjoy Parley and Smitty existing. Are they going to get married and have lots of chaotically bipping children (with very tidy rooms)?

We shall have to see

So Kat is pretty definitely gifted when it comes to technology. Is her aptitude purely because she's a science prodigy, or is there a supernatural/etheric element to it (like Paz's ability to talk to animals)? (and sorry if this is a spoiler!)

We shall have to see

also, what happened to Parley's resolution not to keep her love for Smitty a secret? Peer pressure?

We shall see

Hopefully this will clear some things up. Will the goal of Renard's actions in Chapter 3, Pages 20-22 ever be stated outright in the comic? For the record, I like how it's left up to us to figure it out based on his ongoing characterization.

We shall see

In Ch. 3, when Rey goes for Annie's body, is that for-real what he intended, even knowing her to be Surma's daughter and thus to have Surma's fire-spirit? I guess I have a hard time accepting that he was that much of a jerk-hole.

We shall see

Is Annie making an effort to study/do her homework on her own now, or is she still copying off Kat?

We shall see

If the court is constantly growing, as has been implied, does that not mean that at some point it will encroach on the "real" world?

We shall see

Is Janet going to let her father know she's dating William?

We shall see.

If someone used an etheric sword to cut your etheric form, would you feel the wound? Could you die from that wound?

We shall see

I should probably ask a serious question now - is this upcoming arc going to reveal some more of the Jeanne stuff, perhaps delve into the nature of the court? (Also, I love your webcomic forever. I'm totally saving up for the G'krigg symbol shirt)

we shall see

The Court robots seem to be able to feel (or at least convincingly simulate) many emotions. Are there any they can't feel?

We shall see

Will Zimmy and Gamma be in the next chapter? (or the one after that?) I'm so excited to find out more about those guys!

We shall have to see.