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20 matches for whitelegs.

Does Zimmy have beings in her head other than Nobodies and Whitelegs?


Sorry about another whitelegs question. In the events of Spring Heeled, was Jack literally under no control of his actions, as in (say) Ghost-style possession? Or would it be more accurate to say he was under the (possibly strong) influence of the spider?

It was more like a very strong influence.

Forgive me if this has been answered already, but will we ever find out what spider!Jack was trying to do with all the false Jacks in Zimmyham? Or is just assumed that it was verybadnews, and leave it there? c: Loving the current storyline, by the way!

The situation with the Whitelegs and Jack will not be expanded upon further in the comic.

She's got a whitelegs or what?


Was it entirely the whitelegs trying to flirt with Zimmy at the end of Spring Heeled Part II, and not Jack himself at all?


So when Jack, Annie, Zimmy and Gamma were in that dark world the 2nd time, was the whitelegs completely in control of Jack and just using him as a meat puppet?

pretty much

Did you mean that the Whitelegs wanted to be away from Zimmy, or is there something about Jimmy/Jim/James/Eglamore that they should also want to be away from?


Is there something in particular about the real world that the Whitelegs desire? To be away from Jimmy Do you mean Eglamore?

Nope, I meant Zimmy but my phone autocorrected to Jimmy

Is there something in particular about the real world that the Whitelegs desire?

To be away from Jimmy. Also possibly domination through control

Are there creatures other than the Whitelegs in Zimmy's mind/dark world that attempt to escape into the real world?

I'm sure there are a few that wouldn't mind. The whiteness are pretty feisty about it though

Is there anyone out in the world who got infected by a Whitelegs spider but didn't manage to get it removed?


Now that the whitelegs is gone, does Jack feel bad about killing that robot?


Are the whitelegs intelligent and actively malevolent? Or are they just like animals doing what comes naturally to them? Or are they like the regional fairies, with a culture that's morals and values are confusing to humans?

They are intelligent

If Gamma can banish Zimmy's hallucinations (or something along those lines) then could she have gotten rid of Jack's whitelegs?

No, she wouldn't have been able to help him too much

Was the whitelegs gaining more control over Jack with each memory-copy of him it trapped? And did that do any damage he couldn't just sleep off?


Is MoneySpider related to the whitelegs at all?


How under the whitelegs' control was Jack when he helped get the rock out of the LC unit? Was he under its control when he smashed Guardbot? (It seems awfully sad that a boy so apparently fond of robots could be forced into destroying one.)

The whiteleg was weak at that point. It had more control over him as it grew

Did the whitelegs have a plan for what to do if it did manage to get total control of Jack?

Get up to stuff in the real world, perhaps

Did Zimmy make the name 'whitelegs' up herself?


If Annie had been "infected" by a whitelegs, would she have been able to resist its influence better or worse than Jack did?

That didn't happen, so it is unknown